Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Flotsam and Jetsam - 1362 Words

КÐ £Ãâ€ÃËœÃ ÃÅ¾Ãâ€™Ã  Ð Ã Ã Ã ¡Ã ¢Ã Ã ¡ÃËœÃ ¯ 512 TEXT INTERPRETATION: FLOTSAM AND JETSAM BY W. S. MAUGHAM GIST/PLOT This short story is told in the 3rd person, this is the third person narration. The story took place in Borneo, in the Malay states. The story begins with the description of the setting in the Grange s house. Everything betokened poverty there. The dining-room was dingy. Norman Grange was a rubber-planter and after walking over the estate and checking that everything was done properly, he and his wife were having brunch. But the reader understood that their relations were far from ideal. Mr. Grange didn t notice her. He didn t talk to her as if she was not there. Suddenly the house boy came, accompanied by two men, a Dyak and a Chinaman.†¦show more content†¦The 2nd external conflict is in the minds of the characters. The conflict is between Norman and Vesta. He loves but hates her. An internal conflict is in Norman s mind. He understood that he had married Vesta and he d made a mistake, choosing an English woman. There are some flashbacks in this short story. The first one concerns Vesta s life before her marriage, playing on the stage and the second one reveals her love story but tragic one, the third one is told by Skelton, why he has turned out to be at the Granges. Also there is a foreshadowing in this story. Author shows that Vesta and Norman s future is quiet clear. They will keep living together. NARRATOR: The story is told in the 3rd person. The author isn t intrusive. He is omniscient, he tell the reader about intentions, inner emotions. The author is also reliable. He guides by the reader s opinion. He uses both indirect and direct methods. The author sympathizes with Norman but doesn t sympathize with Vesta. He shows the events through the character s eyes. And in the end of the story the narrator leaves for reader to judge. CHARACTERIZATION. There are 2 main characters in the story. They are Vesta and Norman. They are both dynamic. Vesta was an actress, played the seconds in comedies, and read any slop. She was pretty in an undistinguished way when she was on the stage and she met Norman. Norman Grange was a rubber-planter. He spoke like a native. He was a cleverShow MoreRelatedFlotsam and Jetsam1147 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"Flotsam and Jetsam† ___________________________________________ The short â€Å"Flotsam and Jetsam† is written by Alan Bissett in 2012. Alan Bissett, born in 1975 is a Scottish writer, and the short story appeared in the collection â€Å"Elsewhere: There† in 2012. The story is written in third person, and the narrator is omniscient. The characters are both described directly and indirectly by what they say, or how they act, because some of the characters has hidden agendas. The main theme in the storyRead MoreAdvantages And Disadvantages Of Landscaping1405 Words   |  6 Pagesoff-season.|On the other hand, occasional finishing abandon some zone not dealt with amid the off-season.} {Such a territory will be portrayed by excess of weeds and debris.|Such a domain will have weeds and debris.|The abundance of weeds and flotsam and jetsam will describe such an area.} {Another advantage of all season finishing is the counteractive action of abundance of the vegetation.|Another the reason, why a mortgage holder should hone all-season arranging, is the avoidance of the excessRead MoreThe Waste Water Treatment Process Essay2616 Words   |  11 Pagesframework is accomplished through schedule investigation, cleaning and repair and arranged substitution of framework segments. 2.3 PRELIMINARY TREATMENT Influent to treatment plants contains bits of wood, clothes, plastics and other flotsam and jetsam. Sand, eggshells and other coarse inorganic material is available in the stream notwithstanding natural matter from family unit, mechanical, business and institutional water utilize. Preliminary treatment accommodates the expulsionRead MoreDanger Diminishment Burning : Causes And Uses Of Fires896 Words   |  4 Pagesadministrators would more be able to effectively observe the stumps of the gathered trees, and additionally some other perils. Moreover, if the range is to be had relations with before planting, consuming first expends a significant part of the flotsam and jetsam. The outcome is all the more firmly pressed overnight boardinghouses better seedling survival. Where herbicides are utilized to execute rivalry, ensuing consuming will give extra vegetation control. This progression additionally allows moreRead MoreMalaysia Airlines Flight856 Words   |  3 Pagessuspected to be from the stricken coal blacks crate information recorders. After this the administration has chosen to pursuit the aerial shuttles in submerged as well. Bluefin 21 will plunge into the profundities to attempt and find any flotsam and jetsam. there are still numerous an intrigue scholar out there who has different thoughts. There are a percentage of the craziest and best doomsday notions which were being examined a) Afghan hijacking The Russian newspaper has been distributedRead MoreEssay On Baldwin Swamp1981 Words   |  8 Pagesbranches and bark in the tree canopies, significant amounts of mud covering leaves, a large number of 62 flotsam and jetsam spotted, 2 immature plants and 2 branches on the floor, the boardwalk was broken in 2 places and paths were covered in debris. All of these had significant impacts on the Baldwin swamps and can threaten the survival of macroinvertebrates as the high amount flotsam and jetsam could have gotten in the way. A very little improvement has occurred since. There is still a number ofRead MoreFacilitating the US Armys Transition from War to Peace1187 Words   |  5 Pagesthat the only stipulation that the U.S. Army Chief of Staff imposed on the disposition of military surplus was that if Army surplus property is to be sold that it be sold only by this govt. to another neutral govt (Watson, 1950, p. 304). The flotsam and jetsam that remained from World War II and Vietnam have found their way into the nations chains of army and navy surplus stores that contain vintage surplus from these wars to this day. The U.S. Army can do better than this, though, and it has takenRead MoreThe Case Of Calculation And Distribution Of Awards And Special Compensation1407 Words   |  6 Pagesitself or cargo or any property which must be relalted to the ship or portion of it. Further, section 255(1) of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1955 has expanded the definition given under common law definition of wreck and included within its ambit â€Å"jetsam, flotsam,lagan and derelict found in or on the shores of the sea or any tidal water†. A derelict can be anything which is either a vessel or a cargo abandoned at sea. Read MoreA Research Study On Genetic Engineering Essay1403 Words   |  6 Pageslike red blood cells. Chromatin that occurs in the nucleus of  eukaryotic  cells only, constitutes an immense majority of all DNA, excluding an  amount inherited maternally found in  mitochondria. 5. Cloning Cloning is usually used to intensify  DNA  flotsam and jetsam holding entire  genes, but it can similarly be used to enlarge any DNA sequence like  non-coding sequences, promoters and randomly disjointed DNA. It is castoff in a wide collection of biological experiments in addition to practical applicationsRead MoreChicago Fire : Philadelphia Fire2051 Words   |  9 Pagesyards, stockrooms, and coal yards, and canal boats and various extensions over the waterway. As the fire developed, the southwest wind escalated and got to be superheated, making structures burst into flames from the warmth and from smoldering flotsam and jetsam passed up the wind. Around 11:30 PM, flaring trash blew over the stream and arrived on rooftops and the South Side Gas Works With the fire over the waterway and moving quickly towards the heart of the city, freeze set in. About this time, Mayor

Monday, December 23, 2019

Deviance and Social Control - 914 Words

As we all have observed, throughout history each culture or society has unique norms that are acceptable to that group of people. Therefore, to establish and come to the acceptance of these basic norms, each society must develop its’ own strategies and techniques to encourage the fundamentals of behavior, which is clear in our modern society. Most do assume that everyone in a society will follow and respect such norms. However, some tend to deviate from the adequate norms and demonstrate deviant behavior. Nevertheless, we are inclined to ask ourselves, why do people decide to violate such important standards of living? To come to understand why people act with deviant behavior, we must comprehend how society brings about the†¦show more content†¦According to the control theory, as we network with the members of our society we will ultimately conform to these norms. Hence, those who violate these norms result in exhibiting deviance, or a behavior that violates societyà ¢â‚¬â„¢s social standards. A person can gain this deviant behavior by physical or behavioral traits, thus acquiring a negative or positive social stigma. The term stigma is used to categorize the labels a society uses to diminish a definite group of people. Unfortunately, most people are stigmatized by their past acts of deviant behavior that they may not be engaging in, for example an ex-convict or ex- mental patient. Technology and new innovations have also contributed to having an influence in social interactions and standards of behavior. Many of the illegal acts done in the internet including pirating software or music have no social stigma attached to them due the approval of the online community. At the same time as people continue to disobey social norms and deviate from societal expectations, sociologist draw to five sociological perspectives to explain deviance. From the functionalist perspective, Robert Merton adapted Durkheim’s idea of anomie to explain why people act in certain ways. The anomie theory of deviance states â€Å"that people adapt in certain ways either by conforming to or by deviating from cultural expectations† (Schaefer, 2009). According to this theory it can includeShow MoreRelatedDeviance and Social Control1558 Words   |  7 PagesDeviance is any infraction of norms, whether the violation being minor as jaywalking or as significant as raping someone. So you and I every day violate these societal norms no matter how big or small they may be. The heart of deviance is best explained by sociologist Howard S. Becker (1966), It is not the act itself, but the reactions to the act, that make something deviant. Different groups have different norms, maybe something deviant to a particular person may not be deviant to another (HenslinRead MoreDeviance and Social Control2641 Words   |  11 PagesDeviance and Social Control Final Paper Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for SOCL 101 Sociology By Social control is techniques and strategies used for preventing deviant human behavior in any society. All levels of society such as family, school, bureaucratic and government has some form of social control. Examples of family social control include obeying your parents rules, doing your homework and chores. School includes standards theyRead MoreEssay on Deviance and Social Control1741 Words   |  7 PagesThe concepts Social Control and Deviance have more than one definition to me, my understandings of these terms are that they try to group, control and define different kinds of anti-social behaviour. In this essay I will be reflecting on how certain topics have deviant labels attached to them as a result of social control. I will be explaining my initial understanding and views of these topics, going on to explain how they may have been changed, challenged or reinforced after attending lecturesRead MoreDeviance: Social Control Essay772 Words   |  4 PagesIn todays world deviance is everywhere.Where did it come from ? I want to know what is deviance and what reasons adoes it exist .So in this paper I will discover these answers. Deviance is any behavior that does not conform to the prevailing norms of a society.Deviance is the recognized violation of cultural norms .Deviance is measured by sociteis reaction , its is measured by societies life style ,only behavior that is defined unacceptable in a culture is deviant. Deviance violates some groupsRead MoreDeviance, Social Device And Social Control928 Words   |  4 PagesDeviance and Social Control No one person is born evil or born to be a criminal. We all come into this world with innocent, curiosity, the need for love and with both heart and mind empty and ready to be filled and nurtured. We as humans love to believe that we are in total control of our future and that we can change what we want to change but we’re wrong. There are two things in this world that determine who we are going to be and what we do and they are social factors and society. Society seesRead MoreSocial Control And Criminal Deviance820 Words   |  4 PagesSocial Control and Criminal Deviance: Bullying Darryl Gennie Professor Catherine Terry SOC 100 Augusta 17 August 2015 Strayer University The most important step needed to analyze bullying is to review the existing knowledge. The literature review is a critical look at the existing research that is significant to the work you are trying prove including substantive findings as well as theoretical and methodical contributions to a particular topic. Get the facts and review them thoroughlyRead MoreFormal Social Control And Informal Social Deviance1169 Words   |  5 Pagescalled social deviance, and these sanctions are enforced through two forms of social control: formal social control, and informal social control. Both of these forms of social control work towards achieving the same goal: discouraging violations of society’s accepted behaviors, or social deviance, and punishing those who do. But what is the difference between these two forms of social control? How are these social control mechanisms carried out? Formal social control is a form of control that isRead MoreSocial Deviance Theory, And Social Control Theory1941 Words   |  8 Pagesexplains juvenile delinquency is a combination of several aspects from cultural deviance theory, strain theory, and social control theory. Cultural Deviance Theory argues that delinquency occurs naturally due to the conditions that certain neighborhoods are under. The three people who have greatly impacted this theory are Clifford Shaw, Henry McKay, and Edwin Sutherland. Shaw and McKay were the first to pen cultural deviance when studying Chicago s inner city transformation from the 1900s to earlyRead MoreCrime, Deviance, Social Order And Social Control3729 Words   |  15 PagesDifferent Definitions of: Crime, Deviance, Social order and Social control Crime is defined by the Oxford dictionary as ‘an action or omission which constitutes an offence and is punishable by law.’ (Dictionary, 2015) Whereas deviance is failing to conform to the expectations held by society without necessarily breaking any laws. Criminal behaviour differs to deviant behaviour as a person can be deviant without committing a crime and vice versa, a person can be criminal without being deviant. ForRead MoreA Research Study On Sick Role Theory And The Social Control Of Deviance1010 Words   |  5 Pagesthe important contribution it has had in helping form a link between physiological, psychological and social processes. From my previous chapters I intended to illustrate Parsons functional study of social system. Here the attempt to understand broader concepts of his theory and criticisms by looking deeper into my questions of sick role application, role of doctors and the social control of deviance. Does the sick role apply to all illnesses? The theory Parsons put forward perhaps assumed to neglect

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Analysis of ICT task for a hairdresser’s booking system Free Essays

The new hairdresser salon called Hair Studio that has opened needs to improve its record keeping system because the record keeping system at present is not very reliable and does not work efficiently. Therefore the ICT specialist’s job is to introduce an efficient system to store the customer’s details and to develop a reliable booking system. The system needs to be able to book appointments for the customers quick and easy. We will write a custom essay sample on Analysis of ICT task for a hairdresser’s booking system or any similar topic only for you Order Now The new system should be able to help the salon to function more smoothly and the ICT system that I will give the hair salon will help the business become more organised and can easily handle the client’s data more efficiently. The details of the customers will be stored in a section where all the personal details of each customer will be stored and the appointments will be stored in the booking system. There are many ways of promoting the business one of the ways is to advertise the business to the public and make sure that they are aware that the business is open and where the branch of the business is located. The point of advertising is to the public to come to the salon and this will make the hair salon more popular and the salons profits will increase. Also you can read Analysis July at the Multiplex There are two ways, which it is possible to improve the way the hair salon is run either by keeping the existing paper based system to store the client details and appointments or I can use a computerised system to store all the details and information. An example of a paper-based system is a record card system where all the details of the customers are put on a pack of cards in alphabetical order. An example of a computerised system is a database system or Microsoft Access. Computerised system Advantages of a computerised system. Disadvantages of a computerised system. 1. You can set-up a primary key 2. You can perform queries 3. Can be sorted in alphabetical order 4. Validation incorrect data cannot be entered 5. The can be a menu page to make it more professional 6. Backup in case the data becomes lost. 7. Spell check 1. You need to train people to use the computerised system. 2. If the computer crashes the data can be lost. Paper based system Advantages of a paper based system. Disadvantages of a paper based system. 1. Portable/ Easy to carry place to place. 2. No training needed to operate the paper based system. 3. Keep securely in a locked place so no one can enter the cards containing the details. 1. Messy looks unprofessional. 2. Takes up space. 3. If any alteration takes place this can make the information untidy. 4. Confusion 2 people might have the same names. 5. The writing needs to be readable by all members of the staff. My chosen solution is using a Microsoft access, which is a database that I can create the system on. There will be a series of subtasks I will need to collect the information using a data collection form or through an interview. This will help me to collect the data. I will need to design the structure of the data capture form such as columns and a menu page also I need to design a data entry form. The data that will be inputted in the database is the records and the details. And finally I need to make sure that the information that is inputted into the database is valid and correct. Read also  Case 302 July in Multiplex To advertise my business I will use a poster or a leaflet to advertise it to the customers so they are aware that the business is new to the area and is open to the public. I can use many different methods to advertise my business I could use billboards, Leaflet, radio and poster. Poster Advantages of the leaflet Disadvantages of the leaflet 1. Instant Visual Impact 2. Relatively Cheap 3. Can be seen by a large number of people if strategically placed. 1. Limited amount of information is presented 2. It’s difficult to measure effectiveness. Radio Advantages of the Radio Disadvantages of the Radio 1. Relatively cheap 2. Most of the customers will hear the advertisement on the Radio. 3. Most groups and many age ranges covered. 1. Not visual 2. No copy of the material 3. Have to rely on the target audience listening at the correct time. My chosen solution is the poster; I will use the poster to advertise my business to the public. As you can see there are many advantages and disadvantages of using the radios and the billboards to advertise the business the method I will use is the poster because this way is more efficient and easy to do. I will design a draft of the poster on Microsoft and I will design it also on Microsoft word and then I will distribute it to the customers. How to cite Analysis of ICT task for a hairdresser’s booking system, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Competency Adn vs. Bsn free essay sample

Nursing has come a long ways since the nineteenth century. It was once a job for the lowly and undesirable members of society. There was no formal training or education for those entering the nursing field until nursing started to gain the respect of the military and government bring forth what is now consider modern nursing and today it is considered to be a highly regarded and prestigious profession worldwide (Canyon Connect, Timeline) . Today you can’t enter the nursing profession without some form of formal training. In regards to registered nursing, there are 3 levels of formal education. There is the ADN or diploma program which is the entree level, BSN and the MSN level. Over the several years there has been a big push for nurses to get their BSN. According to Boyd (2011), Pamela Brwon, RN, PhD. states â€Å"The IOM report calling for 80% of RNs to have a minimum of a BSN by 2020 has brought forth a national debate and movement,† and she also continues to comment that â€Å"Research shows that there are better patient outcomes when patients are cared for by nurses with a BSN† (It’s Academic: Studies Spur Push to BSN-in-10). So what is the difference in the level of education and competency of the graduating nurse from an ADN or BSN program? Especially when all RN’s regardless of educational level are taught and promise to uphold the definition of nursing set forth by the American Nurse Association, â€Å"Nursing is the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, communities, and populations†. All registered nurses graduate promising to facilitate health and healing to our patients. The difference is that registered nurses who are graduating with an ADN degree tend to be skilled at an entree level of nursing task and critical thinking skills needed to enter the field of nursing. Scope of practice for nurse with an ADN degree is to provide safe bedside care with defined and predictable health problems. They will use the nursing process and follow requirements, policies, protocols, supervise and delegate to others within their scope of practice (NRS 430V, 2012) . According to Friberg and Creasia (2011), â€Å"ADN programs prepare technical bedside nurses for secondary care settings, such as community hospitals and long-term health care facilities† and â€Å"nurses with associate degrees would work under the direction of registered professional nurses who were prepared at the baccalaureate level†. Many nurses with BSN will go into management positions within their work entity. According to our NRS 430V Module 3 Lecture notes, â€Å"The expectations of nurses prepared at the baccalaureate level (BSN) encompasses the expectations listed above as well as providing safe care to clients with complex and/or poorly defined needs. In addition, BSN preparation includes a focus on the needs of groups and communities. After achieving a BSN degree, the nurse will have the skills to address health concerns of groups beyond the individual and maintain increased knowledge about leading and/or managing health care activities. The formulation, delivery, and evaluation of comprehensive individualized teaching plans are part of the expectations of BSN graduates. Therefore, care delivery settings for BSN-prepared nurses may include unstructured settings or ones without established policies, procedures, or protocols, thus requiring the use of independent nursing judgments and critical thinking skills. So basically, the BSN Nurse has learned all that the ADN nurse has been educated in but more in-depth. Raines and Taglaireni (2008) state, â€Å"BSN programs encompass all of the course work taught in ADN and diploma programs plus a more in-depth treatment of the physical and social sciences, nursing research, public and community health, nursing management, and the humanities. The additional course work enhances the students professional development, prepares the new nurse for a broader practice, and provides the foundation for progression to advanced practice roles in nursing. With 606 entry-level baccalaureate programs enrolling students nationwide, approximately 31% of nurses in the workforce received their basic education in baccalaureate programs†. We know that quality patient care highly depends on having an extremely well educated health care team. Research has shown that nurses with higher education will have less medication error, lower mortality rates and higher positive outcomes for the patient (AACN, 2012). References American Nurses Association (2012). Definition of nursing. Retrieved August 5, 2012 from Nursingworld. org http://www. nursingworld. org/FunctionalMenuCategories/FAQs. aspx American Association of Colleges of Nursing. Fact sheet: Creating a more highly qualified nursing workforce. Retrieved August 5, 2012 AACN http://www. aacn. nche. edu/media-relations/fact-sheets/nursing-shortage/ Boyd, T (2011). Its academic: Studies spur push to BSN-in-10 . Retrieved August 5, 2012 from Nurses. com, Web       site: http://news. nurse. com/article/20110307/national01/103070046/-1/frontpage Friberg,E Creasia, J. 2011) Conceptual foundations: The bridge to professional nursing practice. (5th ed. ). Mosby. Retrieved from VitalSource Bookshelf August 5, 2012. http://pageburstls. elsevier. com/books/978-0-323-06869-7/id/B9780323068697100029_p0100 Grand Canyon University, (2012). Module 3 lecture notes. Retrieved August 5, 2012 from canyon connect http://angel05. gcu. edu/section/default. asp? id=1264226 Grand Canyon University. Nursing timeline of histori cal events. Retrieved August 5, 2012 from eBooks, Multimedia, and Tutorials http://angel05. gcu. edu/section/default. asp? id=1264226

Friday, November 29, 2019

The Quiet American Essays - The Quiet American,

The Quiet American Graham Greene's The Quiet American is a story about love. The main focus of this love is from Pyle and Fowler to Phuong. Through the novel Fowler and Pyle battle for this women's love, but the reality is that Phuong's love is not obtainable. The two men even speak of her in the third person, which reflects their idea of her as an object. Phuong sells herself to the highest bidder and is just looking for the best situation for herself. Phuong's whoring personality is seen through her relationships with three characters during the course of the novel. In Phuong's relationship with Fowler she is treated like a prostitute. Fowler's relationship with Phuong is built on sex. ? ?I don't care that for her interests. I only want her body. I want her in bed with me. I'd rather ruin her and sleep with her than, than . . . look after her damned interests,' ? (p 59). While he does later express an interest to divorce his wife and marry Phuong this interest only arose out of the possibility of losing her in bed. Fowler doesn't want a deep relationship, he just wants security and to feel comfortable. This is seen in his conversation with Pyle in the tower. ? ?I just don't want to be alone in my last decade, that's all,' ? (p 104). Fowler would rather be with a woman that he didn't love than have to be alone. Phuong provides an easy woman to obtain with little emotional involvement. Fowler just flat out uses Phuong as one would a prostitute. He takes sex from her and a sense of security. All this is in exchange for sustaining her lifestyle. Fowler's and Phuong's needs compliment each others, but Pyle provides a more enterprising opportunity for Phuong. In her relationship with Pyle she shows how willing she is to sell herself. She goes behind Fowler, who is the man she is with, to pursue possibilities with Pyle. While never directly said it can be inferred from the passage where Pyle recognizes Phuong's footsteps and the passage where the two look as if they have just parted from kiss. It is not possible for her to have true emotions for Fowler and be out with Pyle behind Fowler's back. She pursues Pyle for his money and her desire to see the American ?skyscrapers?, not for the love that Pyle hopes to receive. Phuong used Pyle and never had any true feelings for him. Fowler realizes this the night that Pyle is murdered and he is taking opium hits with Phuong. He sees her lack of pain from the loss of Pyle and questions if he was ? ?the only one who really cared for Pyle?' ? (p 22). The whole time Pyle was pursuing a girl who had no feelings for him. When his material possessions were no longer obtainable Pyle was cleaned from Phuon g's mind. In this relationship Phuong's tendency towards selling herself is most easily seen, but it is her sister that allows for an outside view on her prostitution. Phuong's sister can be seen as a pimp in her dealings with Phuong. In Miss Hei's first meeting with Pyle the only thing she is interested in is how much money and authority he has in the United States. Fowler notices this and comments ? ?It sounds as though you were examining Mr. Pyle's marriageability,' ? (p 42). This was exactly what Miss Hei was doing. Miss Hei sees Pyle as a more beneficial option than Fowler and attempts to set up a meeting without his presence. ? ?Then you must come and have dinner with me and my sister when Monsieur Fowler is gone,' ? (p 43). Miss Hei's interest in her sister's affairs has nothing to do with Phuong's happiness. She is only looking for the man with more money. Miss Hei sells her sisters body for money, which would in turn make Miss Hei a pimp and Phuong a prostitute. While Phuong can be deemed a prostitute, it does not have to be seen in a negative light. Her selling of herself comes from necessity and culture. ? ?It [love] isn't in their nature. You will find that

Monday, November 25, 2019

Data and Information

Data and Information Data and Information Data and Information By Maeve Maddox A reader suggests addressing the difference between data and information. Both information and data are types of knowledge, a concept for which English has numerous words. The various words are used in different ways, according to context, but heres an effort to differentiate some of them. information knowledge obtained from investigation or communication. Detectives and journalists gather information. Just the facts, Mam. data [dÄ tÉ™, dÄÆ'tÉ™, dtÉ™] reliable information based on observation and record-keeping. Scientists, marketing specialists, and government agencies gather data. For a discussion of datum and data, see this DWT post on Latin plurals. fact something known to be true, or something that can be proved to be true. knowledge the condition of knowing. Knowledge is the whole package of what we have learned from the experience of living. It may or may not be factual. To my knowledge, the world is flat. Learning and erudition both indicate knowledge obtained from academic inquiry. An English professor who knows the language and literature of English and can also read Latin and a couple of modern languages can be said to have learning. The professor is learned [là »rnÄ ­d]. If the professor can also read Hebrew and ancient Greek and is well-read in several other academic disciplines, the word erudition [Ä•ryÉ™-dÄ ­shÉ™n, Ä•rÉ™-] applies. A person so steeped in learning is erudite [Ä•ryÉ™-dÄ «t, Ä•rÉ™-]. While its ok for a professor to be erudite, its not such a good thing for a poet. Many of T. S. Eliots poems are so erudite as to be pedantic. The general reader needs explanatory notes to understand them. Scholarship is often used to indicate all the learning, data, and informed opinion that exists in a certain area of study. Ex. Civil War scholarship, George Washington scholarship, motion picture scholarship. Lore is specialized knowledge above and beyond what most people know about a subject. Ex. movie lore, sports lore, computer lore. The word often suggests arcane learning. Ex. Gandalf is steeped in magical lore. Science is systematized knowledge Ex. the science of light, the science of photosynthesis. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Yours faithfully or Yours sincerely?Taser or Tazer? Tazing or Tasering?Starting a Business Letter with Dear Mr.

Friday, November 22, 2019

The Candy Case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

The Candy Case - Essay Example The case study is all about a developed confectionary business in the Dewey Beach. The store used to sell three different products, such as candy, ice cream and photograph. Recently, the organization is planning to implement online business strategy in order to gain competitive advantage in this business area. Dewey Beach is considered as one of the most popular tourists spots in United States of America. Moreover, the organization is planning to expand its business operations in different popular locations in the United States of America in which the organization can get significant competitive advantages1. It is mentioned in the case study that the confectionary store has to face low competition within the market. There are two more similar types of business organizations. But, importantly this specific confectionary store used to sell differentiated products. According to the views and thoughts of business owners, the online business strategy will help the organization to achieve significant competitive edge over its competitors. It is true that number of competitors for this specific confectionary store is quite low. But, it also needs to be considered that the total population of this area is not more than 350. Therefore, it is highly challenging for the store to become the leading organization within this area. However, the organization achieved significant growth rate from the business practices. In addition to this, several international domestic visitors come to this place to enjoy the beauty of nature of this area. The organization is planning to implement online business process in order to target local, domestic and international customers. Candy, ice cream and photographs are three major product lines. This diversified product portfolio will help the organization to gain significant preference of customers who will wish to visit this area. Now-a-days, the number of users of internet is increasing significantly. In addition to this, popularity of on line consumption activity can help the confectionary store to capitalize on the potential business opportunity. It will be effective if the business owners select online selling and business activities for three existing product line. In this modern era of advanced technology and online marketing, each and every person tries to find the information about places, hotels, restaurants and stores before planning to visit a specific area. These favorable aspects will help the confectionary store to create significant awareness of the products. If the organization tries to maintain effective quality in candies and ice creams, then it would be easy for the organization to develop significant brand value. In terms of photographs, the organization made a contract with an art professor of the Dewey University to source photographs. The store will sell these photographs to the target audiences in different sizes depending upon the preference of the customers. However, each and every product ca n get benefit from the online marketing activities. Putting up the digital photographs on the company website or on several social media websites can attract the tourists from different global areas to visit the place. In addition to this, the business owners are also trying to expand their business operations in other areas. The organization

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

MST 203 Marketing Coursework Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

MST 203 Marketing Coursework - Essay Example It is irrefutable that this principle also changes the role and function of marketing managers in the business organization. Marketing management is defined as the "analysis, planning, implementation, and control of programs designed to create, build, and maintain beneficial exchanges with target buyers for the purpose of achieving organizational objectives (Kotler & Armstrong 2001, p.14)." Truly, the business arena has evolved from placing emphasis on production, product improvements, and selling approaches and started to focus on customers. Marketing management functions now covers how a company can create and extend more valuable goods and services to each customer. Tesco PLC is the largest British retailer based on both global and local shares. Traditionally, the UK-based international retailer specializes only in the distribution of food products but it currently adds other goods and services to its product portfolio which ranges from clothing to consumer electronics to consumer financial services to internet services to internet service and consumer telecom. Last February 26, the company announced a total annual turnover of 33.974 billion and reported a pre-tax profit of 1.962 billion. It is estimated that in every 8 UK retail sales, 1 is spent on Tesco. Tesco is currently one of the world recognized retailers. As marketing is an essential aspect of a business organization, it is irrefutable that Tesco's success can be attributed on how it manages its marketing activities. This report will specifically look at the management activities and decision which named the company as the #5 largest retailer in the global arena. Marketing at a Strategic Level Strategic planning is one of the essential marketing management activities undertaken by Tesco PLC. Accordingly, Tesco PLC's commitment in effectively marketing its products is mirrored in the way it crafts its mission, vision, and goals. Tesco states its mission as "Our core purpose is to create value for customers to earn their lifetime loyalty (Our Core Purpose)." This statement is further expressed in two key values known as "No one tries harder for the customer," and "Treat people as we like to be treated (Our Core Purpose)." With these statements and values as guides in conducting their business operations, Tesco PLC undoubtedly lays a strong foundation in marketing its products and services. Recently, the company launched its new simplified marketing strategy which is a response to the increasing complexity of operations due to the rapid growth of its stores, range of products, intense competition, and new customer demographics. These factors, along with other challenges make it relatively more difficult and longer for Tesco to make important decisions. Thus, simplifying their marketing strategy into three words which contains the core value and purpose of the company is seen to be beneficial. Tesco PLC's new marketing strategy is encapsulated into three words-Every Little Helps. Every Little Helps reflects the company's recognition that it has a huge feat to accomplish and that every little [effort] helps in reaching its goals.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Dataming testing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Dataming testing - Essay Example Additionally, the preponderance of individuals with type 1 diabetes greatly outweighs those with type 2. Fig. 7.1 Gender Figure 7.2 is the histogram that examines patients with both hypertension and diabetes. Of the total sample population the chart indicates that 176 patients had hypertension and a form of diabetes. Conversely, there were 185 patients who had diabetes with no sign of hypertension. Ultimately, close to half of the patients sampled had both diabetes and hypertension. Fig. 7.2 Patients with Hypertension Figure 7.3 is the Fasting Blood Sugar test (FBS). The majority of the patients tested fell between the 100-280 mg/dl range. Still, a number of patients had fell above the 300 mg/dl range, so this is not uncommon. Fig. 7.3 Fasting Blood Sugar Test for the Patient Figure 7.4 depicts the results for the Blood Sugar tests (HbA1c) that were administered. Of the approximately 140 patients that were administered this test, the average HbA1c score for individuals having diabete s was 5-9%. Additionally, the chart indicates that for patients with type 1 diabetes there was a significantly higher propensity of HbA1c, with an average rate of 10-13%. Fig. 7.4 Average Blood Sugar Test for the Patient The chart depicted in Figure 7.5 demonstrates the tests with patients taking metformin. As demonstrated, the test consists of 188 patients who took this medicine and 167 patients who did not take it. The results demonstrate that of the patients that took metformin most are diabetic type 2 patients. Only a small number of diabetic type 1 patients take metformin. Fig. 7.5 Patients Taking Metformin Medication Figure 7.6 considers the patients with diabetes in relation to their age. A notable division occurs here. Namely, patients between 30-70 years old have the highest rate of type 2 diabetes. This shifts with individuals age 5-18, as type 1 diabetes dominates this age bracket. Fig. 7.6 Age of the Patients Figure 7.7 is a diagram depiction of patients with hyperlipide mia. The results indicate that 183 patients have hyperlipidemia, the majority of them also having type 2 diabetes. For type 1 diabetes patients, the majority do not have hyperlipidemia. Fig. 7.7 Patients With Hyperlipidemia Figure 7.8 examines the relation between the patients’ with diabetes and their weight. The chart seems to demonstrate a correlation between the two inputs, as patients between the 70-112 kg range experience the highest levels of type 2 diabetes. Fig. 7.8 Weight of the Patients in Kg Figure 7.9 considers patients with diabetes who also are taking insulin medication. Of the 100 patients taking insulin medication the majority of individuals with type 1 diabetes take it. Conversely, most individuals with type 2 diabetes do not take it. Fig. 7.9 Patients Taking Insulin Medication Figure 7.10 considers patients with an abnormal heart condition because of vascular problems unrelated to diabetes. The diagram demonstrates that most of the patients with diabetes hav e a normal heart condition, but there is a small number of patients suffering from heart disease. Fig. 7.10 Patient Heart Condition Figure 7.11 examines the patients who took glidazide as medication. 92 patients out of the 257 took glidazide. All of these patients had type 2 diabetes. Fig. 7.11 Patients Taking Glidazide After the above histograms were established and analyzed, a comparative analysis implementing

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Use Of Intelligent Agents In E Commerce Information Technology Essay

Use Of Intelligent Agents In E Commerce Information Technology Essay Software agents can be defined as semi-autonomous software entities which support individuals cope with the complexities when working in a distributed information environment. This paper describes how these intelligent agents involved in e-commerce transactions. 1. Introduction In recent years the World Wide Web has become largest market place due to its exponential growth enabled extensive progress in new information society functions such as electronic commerce. Electronic commerce, known as e-commerce, is a type of industry where buying and selling of product or service over electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer networks.[1] Simply e-commerce is buying and selling over the internet medium. Electronic commerce involves business to business (B2B), business to customer (B2C) and customer to customer (C2C) transactions. It covers a wide variety of issues including security, trust, reputation, law, payment mechanisms, advertising, ontologies, electronic product catalogs, intermediaries, multimedia shopping experiences, and back office management. Agent technologies can be applied to any of these areas in e- commerce.[2] 2. Intelligent Agents According to IDMs definition intelligent agents are software programs that carry out some set of tasks on behalf of a user or another program with some degree of independence. So doing, gain some knowledge or representation of the users desires. According to Meas definition software agents are computer programs that run in the background and perform tasks autonomously. Software agents are becoming an important part of these Modern information systems because they diminish the complexity, and they achieve this technically and psychologically. Technically, each agent provides a locus of intelligence for managing a subset of the information in the system, either on its own initiative or under the direction of a user. Each intelligent agent can be readily replicated and then distributed as needed. This agent-based approach to information management is both scalable and cost-effective. Psychologically, people need abstractions by which they can understand, manage, and use complex systems effectively. A natural and convenient abstraction appears to be one based on humanizing the information system components that is, treating the components as animate. In this abstraction, software components are like human agents. The abstraction is effective, because people have a lot of experience in dealing with other people, and they can apply their experience to understanding and dealing with complex software. [3] Software agents were first used few years ago to filter information, match individuals with similar interests, and automate repetitive activities. More lately, agents have been applied to e-commerce, encouraging a revolution in the way people conduct transactions in e-commerce. Intelligent agents in e-commerce web sites can carry out many decision making and problem-solving tasks that usually require human intelligence, such as diagnosis, data sorting, planning, or negotiation. They can answer email messages, search the Internet for valuable information, carry out comparisons, or even become electronic pets. O. Etzioni and D.S. Weld [5] defined a software agent as a software entity which functions continuously and independently in a specific environment often occupied by other agents and processes. The requirement for endurance and independence derives from human desire that an agent should be able to do activities in a flexible and intelligent manner reactive to changes in the environment without constant human observation. An agent that functions over a long period of time should be able to implement from its experience. Also, an agent should be able to occupy an environment with other agents and processes, and to be able to communicate and collaborate with them. 2.1 Types of Software Agents Hendler [4] distinguishes four types of agents by function. Problem-solving agents -They do many traditional planning expert systems did, namely collect data, analyze a situation, and make a conforming decision for how to act on the users behalf. Purchasing agents is an example for this category. User-centric agents- These type of agents enable interaction with the user. Also they provide a better user interface by getting knowledge about the users system use preferences and tailoring the interface to the user preferences. Control agents They control the operation of some agents in a multi agent environment. In this context one needs to remember that agents are not only mobile, but also small in size, each with a very specialized capability. Hence, the interaction of several agents might be required to provide sufficient intelligence and capability. These are very progressive agents used in research experimentations. Transaction agents- These agents translate information between different data standards within a unrelated database or file environment. Between these four types, the ones that create contention are problem solving agents specializing in data gathering. They may be aided by transaction agents to access data from numerous data sources and may be controlled by control agents. However, the most important functionality is the ability to collect and analyze information from remote sites. 2.1.1 Characteristics of Software Agents Dependable with the requirements of a specific problem, each intelligent agent might possess to a greater or lesser degree the attributes stating below [5, 6, and 7] Reactivity: the capability of selectively sense and act. Autonomy: goal-directedness, and self-starting behavior. Collaborative behavior: can work in collaboration with other agent to attain a mutual goal. Knowledge-level communication ability: their ability to communicate with human and other agents with language more approaching human-like speech than symbol-level protocols. Inferential capability: can perform on abstract task specification using previous knowledge of general goals and chosen methods to achieve flexibility. Temporal continuity: persistence of uniqueness and state over long time periods. Personality: the ability of exhibiting the attributes of a believable character such as emotion. Adaptively: being able to learn and progress with experience. Mobility: ability to transfer in a self-directed way from one host platform to another. 3. Intelligent Agents in e-Commerce Artificial intelligence (AI) started to play a important role in many leading information systems. In the past, its use of AI has been limited due to its complexity, huge designs and lack of expertise in system developers. AI involvement is now essential in nondeterministic systems such as workflow, data mining, production planning, supply chain logistics, and most lately, e-commerce. Intelligent agent technology is the next logical step in overcoming some shortcomings in e-commerce. Namely, successful computer systems underlying e-commerce require judgment and the knowledge of experts such as buyers, contract negotiators and marketing specialists [8] Also e-commerce covers a broad range of issues; some of them are away from the scope of consumer buying behavior model. There are a variation of theories and models that describes buying behavior, such as the Nicosia model, the Howard- Sheth model, the Engel-Blackwell model, the Bettman information-processing model, and the Andreasen model [9].Acoording to Aleksander Pivk and MatjaÃ…Â ¾ Gams these models all have a comparable list of six fundamental stages of the buying process, which also relevent where agent technologies apply to the shopping experience[8] Identification: In that stage characterizes the buyer becoming aware of particular unmet need by inspiring through product information. Agents can play an significant role for those purchases that are repetitive (supplies) or predictable (habits). One of the oldest and simplest There are many examples in abundant use, one very aware of is a notification agent called Eyes by Amazon.com, which observers the catalog of books for sale and notifies the customer when certain events occur that may be of interest to the customer Brokering: There are two types of brokering namely product brokering and merchant brokering. In product brokering once a buyer has recognized a requirement to make a purchase the buyer has to determine what to buy through a critical evaluation of retrieved product information. There are several agents systems that lower consumers search cost when deciding which products best meets their needs. The result of this stage is a get attention to set of goods. In merchant brokering stage combines the consideration set from the previous stage with merchant-specific alternatives to help determine who to buy from. Negotiation: in this stage of buying behavior, price and other terms of the transaction are settled between merchants and buyers. Real-world scenarios negotiation increases transaction costs that may be too high for either consumers or merchants.. The most of business-to-business(B2B) transactions contain negotiation. Payment and Delivery: this stage can either indicate the end of the negotiation stage or cause to place another order. In some cases, the presented payment or delivery options can affect product and merchant brokering. â‚ ¬Ã‚  Product Service and Evaluation: this post- purchase stage contains of product service, customer service, and an â‚ ¬Ã‚  evaluation of the satisfaction of theâ‚ ¬Ã‚  Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  total buying experience and decision. Considering above five stages, It can be recognized the roles of agents as mediators in e-commerce. The nature of agents makes them suitable for mediating those consumer behaviors involving information filtering and retrieval, personalized evaluations, complex coordination, and time-based interactions. Those roles correspond most especially to the need identification, product and merchant brokering, and negotiation stages of the buying behavior model. 4. Benefits of intelligent agents in e commerce 5. Limitations of Intelligent Agents A major limitation intelligent agent technology using most e-commerce activities is that agents can pose a security risk to remote hosts as well as their original host). A broad discussion of these risks and possible countermeasures is provided to International Journal of Electronic Commerce by T. Mandry ,G.Pernul and A. Rà ¶hm the following possible risks were identified.[9] Stealing data and Illegal access Web agents may try to get access to databases they are not permitted to access or for which there is an access charge. Free use of resources Agents always tries to steal resources from remote hosts. As long as this is in line with accepted protocols, it is an acceptable practice. However, if agents cover-up as alternate processes, they may use insupportable levels of resource. Unauthorized program execution This also known as Trojan horse. Agents can be masquerade and then execute programs that are eventually harmful to the remote hosts. Such Trojan horses attacks have now been used frequently on the Internet.. Data stripping or alteration (by server). Technically it is possible to strip Web agents of their data. This is mostly a concern for a site that sends out agents to remote hosts, but also it could potentially affect other sites. For instance, suppose Buyer has a trusted relationship with both Seller 1 and Seller 2. However, there exists a competitive relationship between the two sellers. An intelligent agent that originates from Buyer and travels to Seller 1 and then to Seller 2 could be stripped by Seller 2 to obtain competitive data about Seller 1. Resource exhaustion resulting in denial-of service -. Web agents can exhaust remote host properties to the point where the remote host can no longer function correctly. Deceitful agent behavior. Agents can mislead other agents or hosts about their intent and can lie about transactions. 5. Discussion This paper describes how intelligent software agent can automate and add value to e-commerce transactions and negotiations. By using intelligent agent based e-commerce techniques, businesses can more effectively and efficiently make decisions since they have more accurate and reliable information and recognize consumers perceptions and behaviors. Benefits and limitations of using intelligent agents in e-commerce are also discussed through this paper.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Brothers of the Bible Essay -- Christianity God Jesus Cain Abel Essays

Brothers of the Bible The Old Testament sibling rivalries between Cain and Abel, Esau and Jacob, and Joseph and his brothers were similar in some ways and different in others, but they all hold lessons for us today, for brothers today still face many of the same problems in life that challenged brothers thousands of years ago. Cain and Abel were in a situation much more unique than Esau and Jacob, and Joseph and his brothers faced, for the society they lived in was extremely small, and they each had a direct relationship with God. As the book of Genesis tells us, Cain was the first born son of Adam and Eve. Their next son was a boy whom they named Abel. As Cain and Abel grew up both took responsibilities for making a living. Abel took care of the sheep and Cain became a farmer. (Genesis 4:7) Both brothers in the space of time began to offer sacrifices unto God. Cain, being a farmer, offered the produce of his fields, and Abel offered the first-born sheep with its fat. God had respect for the offering of Abel but rejected the offering of Cain. It thus comes as something of a surprise that God accepts Abel?s offering but not Cain?s. Two puzzles emerge: (1) We are not told how Cain discovered that neither he nor his offering was accepted. Given God?s way of responding in the story, Cain may have told directly. (2) No rationale is given, hence God?s action appears arbitrary (Abingdon, 373). The biblical text gives no explicit reason for God?s preference for Abel?s offering. This has given rise to speculation. (Doubleday) And envious of his brother so angered Cain that he killed him. Cain?s response ? the downcast face ? reveals more the idea of dejection, feelings associated with rejection, than anger. Cain must care about what God thinks of him and his sacrifice. But the ba sic issue becomes not that Cain acts in a dejected fashion, but how he responds to God?s interaction with him about his dejection. That God responds at all reveals a divine concern for Cain. (Abingdon, 373) When God confronted Cain with what he had done and asked, ?Where is Abel your brother Cain replied, ?Am I my brother?s keeper (Genesis 4:15) The answer is yes, and relates to Esau and Jacob, Joseph and his brothers, and to us today, for we are all our brother?s keeper. We live our lives in close relation to our family, neighbors, friends, and even people we only casually me... ...howing us that when the ancient Israelites got involved in sibling rivalries they didn?t fool around, they also illustrate for modern day readers how harmful parental favoritism can be. Today?s parents should make every effort to treat their children equally, for the psychological consequences may be severe if they don?t. Finally, these Old Testament stories demonstrate to us today that sibling rivalries can be controlled if brothers or sisters make efforts to treat one another fairly. They show us as well that it is very important for siblings to forgive one another if their rivalries lead to hard feelings or even lengthy estrangement. Bibliography Abingdon. The New interpreter?s Bible, Volume 1. Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press, 1994. Chait, Israel. ?Joseph and His Brothers.? Online. Available: http://www.mesora.org/_private/mesora.html. 20 June 2001. Doubleday. The Anchor Bible Dictionary, Volume 1. New York: Doubleday Dell Pulbishing group, 1992. Smith, Dictionary of the Bible. London, 1893. The Holy Bible. New York: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1983. White, Ellen G. Patriarchs and Prophets. Washington D.C.: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1958.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Identity: Filipino Psychology Essay

?Introduction Identity, what is Identity? It answers the question ‘who am I? ’ it might appear to be about personality; the sort of person I am. That is only part of the story. Identity is different from personality in important respects. We may share personality traits with other people, but sharing an identity suggests some active engagement on our part. Identity appears in the characteristic of a person, every one of us has its identity without it who are you? Some people’s identity is rich because if their money some notorious because there dangerous and some are funny because of their sense of humor. You what is your identity? As a Filipino I have a identity of a â€Å"Pinoy†. Filipino identity is defined in its origin, culture, language, religion and other characteristics that distinguish it from other groups. A typical Filipino is usually described by outsiders as dark skinned, flat nosed, short people from Philippines who speak either in Tagalog or Taglish, and is a Christian. Other descriptions of Filipinos are rice-lovers, hardworking, family-oriented, and nowadays, a domestic helper. Young Filipino is known as being late, with the â€Å"manyana habbit†, â€Å"easy go lucky† but all of the Filipino starve for the best in life. The Philippines may be described as a nation in search of its identity. Because of the long preoccupation of the colonizers, the Filipinos have become so westernized that it has lost its own identity. Philippine identity has long been an issue among anthropologists and other nations because of the many resemblance and similarities of its culture to other cultures, like those of Spanish, American, and neighboring Asian cultures. Filipino culture, being a melting pot of many cultures makes it difficult for the Filipinos to assert their own identity. Three hundred years of Spanish occupation in the Philippines influenced a lot in the culture resulting to Philippine music, visual styles, dishes, vocabulary and social customs being considered unoriginal by the outsiders. And because we Filipinos are not really English speaking people, they become anxious about their identity when faced with foreigners. Also, when we Filipinos are being exposed to the world through media, the image being portrayed by the foreigner is of being tribal or being associated to tribalism. This resulted to us Filipinos not having pride for their own culture. ?Body of the Paper A Filipino is one of a kind when it comes to identity, each one of us has is identity tells us who is who and what kind of person are we. Is there really a Filipino identity to others? A glimpse of our historical past will surely reveal who the Filipinos really are, yet due to external factors like technological advancements and colonial influence, the true essence of being a Filipino now reaches the point where it is slowly degrading. Evidently, our colorful history truly defines our identity as a Filipino, but as I said earlier, changes threatened this identity. Let us consider for example our national flag which is the symbol of our nationality. This rectangular piece of cloth identifies us being a Filipino. Knowledge of these symbols is not enough to identify yourself as a Filipino. What really matters most is our culture. Culture is our identity. Filipino cultural values are widely-held beliefs which make some activities, relationships, goals and feelings important to us Filipino people’s identity. Filipino is usually described by outsiders as dark skinned, flat nosed, short people from Philippines who speak either in Tagalog or Taglish, and is a Christian. Other descriptions of Filipinos are rice-lovers, hardworking, family-oriented, and nowadays, a domestic helper. And now a day’s Filipino influence a lot to society like in music, food, philosophy, art, religion and in culture, We Filipino preserve our culture very well as you can see our traditions and culture is still alive and we still doing it. Filipino is doing great to our human nature. We Filipino contributed a lot to this world, A Filipino invented Fluorescent light and you could see them around the world inside the offices, nuclear plants, NASA, hydroponic, inside the buildings, airports, hospitals, everywhere around the world. We gave lights to the whole world and Filipino invented the Fluorescent. In sports a Filipino holds the record on championship titles in boxing. Filipino identity now has pride in it, never give up, that’s the true Filipino identity it contributes well in our society. Filipino values is one of the most important identity about us, Filipino identity of a person or an individual known as the Filipino, the Filipino value system are found to possess inherent key elements of value system which includes their own unique assemblage of consistent ideologies, moral codes, ethical practices, etiquette, and cultural and personal values that are promoted by their society. As with any society though, the values that an individual holds sacred can differ on the basis of religion, upbringing and other factors. Conclusion.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Analysis on Mi Abuelo

The narrator’s Mi Abuelo is the grandfather. The beginning connects with the end of the poem. The poem is a depiction of human thoughts during his old age. The grandfather released his angst through the narrator. The conflict of the poem is that the narrator could not understand why the grandfather always told him that his hair is a sieve. He argues with the grandfather saying that his hair is not a sieve but the old man continued to insist the sieve hair. From this context, it was seen that the character is a weak person because he could not show his real emotions towards one situation or thing. He turned his guilt and insanity towards other people to hide the complexities of thinking. The author attacked within the poem in a simple rationalization. As the reader, I saw two different conflicts that emerged in the whole poem but the author resolved only one conflict, which is the narrator’s conflicts towards the issue of having a sieve hair but the grandfather’s conflict within his own self was unresolved. The sieve hair in the poem symbolizes the life of the grandfather. His journey and struggle were sieved in an untangled path of existence. He said that the narrator’s hair is a sieve because by the end of it all, the narrator’s life will be the same as the grandfather. In terms of the poem’s construction, it was not fully understandable because the author’s way of dividing each line and stanzas do not have complete essence. Each line could not stand its own meaning alone because it depends on the next line in a complex manner. The term â€Å"Mi Abuelo† was not thoroughly defined. This term was only compared to the grandfather without justification of its true essence and meaning as a word. Because of this, readers would become confuse with the statement of Mi Abuelo and being the title of the poem. Despite of it all, the poem is a simple thing that is easy to understand and discuss. It shows the life and issues that old people used to obtain whether it is meaningless or senseless, for them these are still important and relevant to life.    Reference(1982). Mi Abuelo.  Ã‚   From Whispering to Fool the Wind. New York: SheepMeadow. Retrieved 23 February 2008.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Boston Freedom Trail

INTRODUCTION Near Boston Common is the Granary Burying Ground, where the graves of Paul Revere, Samuel Adams, and the victims of the Boston Massacre are buried. Some blocks away, the Old South Meeting House still stands, where determined community meetings were once held to discuss the British "Tea Act," which led to a night of throwing away tea into Boston Harbor. A few miles away, the Bunker Hill Monument towers over Charlestown neighborhoods reminds us of the battle of the colonists with the British soldiers. These sites are all part of Boston's Freedom Trail, a 2.5-mile trail marked by a red line on sidewalks that connects from Boston Common were Quakers were once hanged to the Bunker Hill Monument, passing through many of the city's historical spots. BOSTON FREEDOM TRAIL In 1951, William Schofield an editorial writer for the Boston Herald- Traveler had the idea that Boston’s sites could be made more accessible to residents and visitors, his primary goal was to preserve the historical sites located throughout the city. Seven years later in 1958 the trail was established, the sixteen historic sites between Boston Common and The Bunker Hill Monument in Charlestown were connected by a red line painted on the sidewalk or, in some places, red brick or granite paving stones, providing a excellent way to explore the city and learn about its rich history. This 2.5 mile trail tells the story of America’s first patriots as they fought for freedom against the royal army. The sixteen Freedom trail sites in order of appearance are: 1) BOSTON COMMON. In 1634, realizing that a more northerly site would be unacceptable for settlement, the government of Massachusetts purchased land from Boston, the Boston Common , a 50 acres open land and oldest public park in the United States. It has been used for many different purposes during its long history, until 1830 animals grazed the Common, until 1817 public hangings ... Free Essays on Boston Freedom Trail Free Essays on Boston Freedom Trail INTRODUCTION Near Boston Common is the Granary Burying Ground, where the graves of Paul Revere, Samuel Adams, and the victims of the Boston Massacre are buried. Some blocks away, the Old South Meeting House still stands, where determined community meetings were once held to discuss the British "Tea Act," which led to a night of throwing away tea into Boston Harbor. A few miles away, the Bunker Hill Monument towers over Charlestown neighborhoods reminds us of the battle of the colonists with the British soldiers. These sites are all part of Boston's Freedom Trail, a 2.5-mile trail marked by a red line on sidewalks that connects from Boston Common were Quakers were once hanged to the Bunker Hill Monument, passing through many of the city's historical spots. BOSTON FREEDOM TRAIL In 1951, William Schofield an editorial writer for the Boston Herald- Traveler had the idea that Boston’s sites could be made more accessible to residents and visitors, his primary goal was to preserve the historical sites located throughout the city. Seven years later in 1958 the trail was established, the sixteen historic sites between Boston Common and The Bunker Hill Monument in Charlestown were connected by a red line painted on the sidewalk or, in some places, red brick or granite paving stones, providing a excellent way to explore the city and learn about its rich history. This 2.5 mile trail tells the story of America’s first patriots as they fought for freedom against the royal army. The sixteen Freedom trail sites in order of appearance are: 1) BOSTON COMMON. In 1634, realizing that a more northerly site would be unacceptable for settlement, the government of Massachusetts purchased land from Boston, the Boston Common , a 50 acres open land and oldest public park in the United States. It has been used for many different purposes during its long history, until 1830 animals grazed the Common, until 1817 public hangings ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 28

Personal Statement Example I could tell that marketing to me was one of the most fulfilling topics I had ever covered while studying my degree in Management. The course work was as interesting as the practical work which mostly entailed presentations and research work as directed by my professor. To be honest, I found the practical work much easier to do, with especially my research assignments in the marketing topic proving to be one of the most interesting and memorable tasks I have completed to date. I especially enjoyed making field observations and presenting field data in the market research segment for the marketing classes. In all honesty, this is a field that caught my heart, despite being a regretfully small part of my degree in management. As earlier mentioned, I have studied primarily in management, and my specialty is in the banking area. I graduated with a management degree in June 2014 from the Qafqaz University in Azerbaijan. I was top of my Faculty (Management) accumulating a final GPA of 95.04. This followed a string of exemplary academic performances that saw me receive numerous recognition awards from the Dean of the Faculty and the University Rector as well. However, it is the marketing subject that remains a memorable part of my studies in management. I found myself more inclined to all marketing related subjects than all other areas of my undergraduate studies, with a special liking and interest in advertising. I feel that it is the creativity that this subject demands which makes me so attracted to it. I believe that I am well equipped to prosper in the marketing field, especially considering a few of my related strengths and passions. I am a team leader by nature and for this, I have found to thrive well in teamwork arrangements. From my experience at the University, I performed the best while studying in team works, deriving immeasurable satisfaction and joy from

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Importance of Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Importance of Education - Essay Example Through their individual stories, Rodriguez and Rose confess how they manage to relieve themselves of discomfort in learning and struggle forward with passionate heart for studies the moment they came across instructors and academic settings which have altogether brought their mood to relish the learning experience. Both Rose and Rodriguez give account to how education has gradually shaped their immature attitude to adopt scholastic behavior upon deriving inspiration from educators who serve as their key models in the course of establishing the right habit and fascination to study. In the light of understanding â€Å"The Achievement of Desire†, Rodriguez attempts to make central the theme of invoking a comparative perception between his education at school and the degree of parental intervention that he expects to coincide with it. Rodriguez expresses that their family belongs to a working class and it is the state of his original culture and economy as being of Mexican descen t that prevents him at first to study English. However, since he becomes subjected to an interactive classroom environment facilitated by an articulate instructor, he gets accustomed to English as the medium of instruction and further loves reading to the extent that he locks himself away from all external cares at home. Apparently, the more that Rodriguez gets deeply engaged with curricular activities at school, the more that his parents get less involved in constituting his academic foundation despite the fact that he acquires a growing appreciation for the subjects. Because Rodriguez has found an ample sense of fulfillment in books and intellectual discourse in his class with an encouraging teacher, he comes to the realization that the lack of education of his hard-working parents forms a potential ground why whatever he learns at home occurs to have insignificant worth. As a consequence, he ends up with a student character who greatly looks up to the teaching figure of the forma l institution yet feels indifferent in communicating with his mother and his father, feeling embarrassed that they have not reached the same level of education that could have made his parents a non-academic community capable of enhancing his confidence over academic needs. On the other hand, one comprehends Rose in â€Å"I Just Wanna Be Average† as he acknowledges his confusion with the educational process of the vocational track and observes how other students like him are merely taking chances in passing their subjects, knowing that such status merely earns them an opportunity of landing a job with some economy of average value. Rose mentions particular names of batch-mates and faculty staff like Ted Richard, Dave Snyder, Ken Harvey, Brother Slattery, and Brother Clint with brief information in the process of his observation to determine how the system of education works and finds out that it is rather useless to study courses such as mathematics and physical science when students have very low inclination to these areas of learning especially if they cannot seem to designate connection of these subjects to the practical aspect of living. It turns out that unlike Rodriguez, Rose does not hold his parents accountable for the path he takes in education though they seem to have exhibited negligible attention on this matter for Rose admits in the story that they themselves fall short in

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Theories on crimes Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Theories on crimes - Case Study Example Harvey Robinson was a teenager serial killer who killed and raped Charlotte Schmoyer - another fellow teenager- in 1993, he also assaulted numerous women. According to Ramsland (2012), there was evidence of blood and abandoned shoes where it was later discovered that the girl had also been stabbed in the woods. In committing the crime of rape and murder, Harvey had gone back to the scene of a previous crime scene when he chanced upon Charlotte who was the ‘perfect’ victim in an isolated place. Serial killers who rape and kill are a rare kind as evidenced by the involvement of the FBI in most of the cases. This theory explains the prevalence of criminal behavior in that the criminal makes rational choices when committing crimes. The reasons behind committing crimes could be due to personal needs like anger, lust or greed. This theory basis its ideas on the classical school of thought in criminology, which posits that individuals have a free will to choose their actions both good and bad while threats of punishment and sanctions deter criminal acts (Siegel, 2009). Furthermore, the choice theory points out that there are three actors of criminal behavior; rational actor, predestined actor, and the victimized actor. For rational actors, there is a choice on whether to commit a criminal act which is manageable with an imposition of penalties. The predestined actor commits crime without any control over their desire and surroundings. These actors are stimulated before they commit crimes. In order to enhance deterrence, there is a need to change the psychological, social, and biological environment. The victimized actor appears since there are disparities in the society; this ought to be addressed through enacting laws. The choice theory is useful in explaining the crimes given that Robinson stalked other victims then he made rational

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Problems of Moral and Social Values Essay Example for Free

Problems of Moral and Social Values Essay â€Å"According to the Greatest Happiness Principle, as above explained, the ultimate end, with reference to and for the sake of which all other things are desirable (whether we are considering our own good or that of other people), is an existence exempt as far as possible from pain, and as rich as possible in enjoyments, both in point of quantity and quality; the test of quality, and the rule for measuring it against quantity, being the preference felt by those who in their opportunities of experience, to which must be added their habits of self-consciousness and self-observation, are best furnished with the means of comparison. This, being, according to the utilitarian opinion, the end of human action, is necessarily also the standard of morality; which may accordingly be defined, the rules and precepts for human conduct, by the observance of which an existence such as has been described might be, to the greatest extent possible, secured to all mankind; and not to them only, but, so far as the nature of things admits, to the whole sentient creation†¦ (Mill, 1863)†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The quotation seemed to imply the thesis made by John Stuart Mill in Chapter 2 of his work Utilitarianism. As he explained the argument of the utilitarians, it was unintelligible for the opponents of the Theory of Utilitarianism to suppose that the principle that they advocate promote the concept of pleasure or that of happiness. The debate on the issue of quality and quantity as the indicator of the greatest utility was described by Mill as nothing but an interpretation of an irrational being. The end of the human conduct implied the standard of morality (Mill, 1863) thus it was meaningless to say that a person withheld his pursuit of happiness or pleasure for the promotion of the greatest utility. In this point, Mill contended that the greatest utility was indeed the same thing which gives the greatest happiness.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As consistently highlighted by the utilitarians, promotion of pleasure and aversion from pain were the only things that a man must take as his ultimate ends. In this way, what satisfied him or gave him happiness was the very thing that gave him the best utility. However, this argument was mistakenly interpreted by the adversaries of the Utilitarian principle by saying that not all men necessarily have the same regard to different objects of pleasure – meaning, their degree or intensity of being satisfied varied. Thus, the adversaries claimed, that the greatest utility for the greatest quantity was not practicable given that one may saw one thing as more valuable than other things while others saw these things as more important than the other one.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Mill attempted to correct this way of looking at the utilitarian principle by, again, applying the most notable comparison between swine or beast and man. Man was higher than the former since man had superior mental faculties which allowed him to judge rationally. He was not easily satisfied by less pleasurable things as how swine and beast would do. Man possessed â€Å"pride† and, much, â€Å"has sense of dignity (Mill, 1863).† He could not stand the case that his pleasures were as low or the same as the swine or beast. Hence, in some way, all men had the same faculties to judge between the lesser and the greater pleasure.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   To support this, Mill insisted the role that the â€Å"habits of self-consciousness and self-observation (Mill, 1863)† played. Having the ability to observe, compare, and analyze the way things were presented to him, man could give his judgments on the issue raised earlier. There could be a case that a man would tend to be inclined with lesser pleasures than being in tuned with the greater pleasures but still at some point, man knew which of the pleasures weighs than the other. It was just his moral judgment was weaker and more prone to go before the bodily pleasures.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Mill furthered that this human ability to arrive at moral judgment could be compare with health. Mind and body comprised man. Both required the latter to pursue fuels that would maintain the stability of the two components. Nevertheless, to become healthy, man must be able to realize that the needs of the soul or the mind were far greater than needs of the body. Thus, man could only become healthy if he had successfully done this.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As a result, all men, who all had rational abilities to judge whether one thing had greater value than the other, would not say that the other thing possessed the greater value. This opened the idea that all men recognized things of greater value. They were indeed being urged by their body to choose the lesser pleasures but as a moral agent, they would easily be satisfied by those meager pleasures. Hence they would concur with the common good which offered the greatest good.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Mill’s last argument to support the theory of Utility as the appropriate standard of morality talked about the perceived impossibility to perform pure altruistic acts. Sacrificing one’s single happiness did not necessarily mean that his or her happiness was outweighed by others’ happiness. It only implied that he or she recognized that only by letting go of his or her personal interests that he or she could have achieved the greater happiness possible. And this greater happiness would not only benefit the majority but also himself or herself. Individual happiness then as Mill suggested, was not really neglected or taken for granted but was indeed reinforced by the attainment of the greater good for the greater number (which included the moral agent himself).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   To reflect on the arguments raised by Mill, it was true that what made a pleasurable thing pleasurable was the amount of happiness one may get from it or the opportunity to prevent the existence of pain. Everyone would agree with such definition (except in the cases of a masochist which considered the feeling of pain as pleasurable). And since men has the power to make moral judgment which made him not to choose the lesser form of pleasures, his choice must have always on the level as how other rational beings would have.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Being with the choice of other rational beings, a moral agent would then recognize the need to uphold this choice for the achievement or maintenance of the greatest utility or the greatest happiness. Thus, he learned to put aside his lesser concerns to be able to prepare himself to do more elevated efforts for the betterment of mankind. Yet, this did not make him absolutely selfless. Whatever his efforts done even if these may appear for the benefit of other people, still he or she would receive something in return. And that explained his quest for the greatest utility. Reference: Mill, J.S. (1863). Utilitarianism. Aspen Publishers.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Portrayal Of Individualism Sociology Essay

The Portrayal Of Individualism Sociology Essay The Title of this research is The Portrayal of Individualism: A study on Marvel Movies IRON MAN 1 (2008) and IRON MAN 2 (2010). In this chapter introduction is made on the Research Background, Research Problem, Research Objectives, Research Questions, Research Significance, Research Scope, Definition of Terms and Conclusion. Research Background This segment is to briefly introduce the Marvel Movies, IRON MAN 1 and 2, Individualism, and some manifestations of individualism. Individualism is one of the major dimension of researcher develop a study on culture. Several of research had developed to comparing individualism and collectivism. Individualism Western country, especially United States of American, is encouraging individualism as socializing climates. We can found a word from United States Declaration of Independence. In its second sentence: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. (Constitution society 2012) United States of American major ideology is everyone has the equal right and they have freedom to do what they want without force by other people. The liberty in the second sentences of United states Declaration of Independence clearly state central idea of individualism: freedom as an individual. (Constitution society 2012) Individualistic societies are described as emphasizing independence, freedom, and personal assertiveness as socializing climates in which a persons self-esteem develops (Kagitcibasi, 1996; Triandis, 1989; 1995). A Western view of self-awareness is based on the idea that ones private self resides within each person consistent with such cultural themes as the separateness and distinctiveness of each person (Gecas Burke,1995).Western country encouraging freedom of action, refraining from severe restrictiveness, and encouraging self-confidence for exploratory behaviour. Individualism  is the  moral  stance,  political philosophy, ideology, or social outlook that stresses the moral worth of the  individual. Individualists promote the exercise of ones goals and desires and so value  independence  and self-reliance while opposing external interference upon ones own interests by society  or  institutions  such as the government. Triandis (2000) states that cultural pattern of individualism is A) sample the individual self is conceived as independent of in-groups B) give priority to personal goals. C) Use attitudes much more than norms as determinants of their social behavior. D) Pay attention only to their own needs and abandon interpersonal relationships that are not optimally beneficial to them. Triandis (1994) has suggested that individualism emerges in societies that are both complex and loose. For example, Hollywood stars live in a culture that is both complex and loose. This speculation has not been tested rigorously but the data seem to hang together reasonably well. He also use Japan as an example that the complex Japan nowadays is less collectivist than 19th century. He also mentioned that modern, industrial-urban, fast-changing cultures tend to be individualist. Hofstede (1991) work was one of the earliest attempts to use extensive statistical data to examine cultural values. In carrying out his research, Hofstede ultimately surveyed more than one hundred thousand managers in a multinational organization, from fifty countries and three geographical regions. Each country was assigned rank 1 through 50 in each his studies, include individualism versus collectivism. Andersen (2003) stated that individualistic cultures emphasize personal rights and responsibilities, privacy, voicing ones own opinion, freedom, innovation, and self-expression. Triandis (1995) also discuss individualism with 4 points. First, the individual is the single most important unit in any social setting. Second, independence rather than interdependence is stressed. Third, individual achievement is rewarded. Lastly, the uniqueness of each individual is of paramount value. Goleman (1990) highlight that peoples personal goals take priority over their allegiance to groups like the family or the employer. The loyalty of individualists to a given group is very weak; they feel they belong to many groups and are apt to change their membership as it suits them, switching churches, for example, or leaving one employer for another. Triandis (2001) writes that emphasize is placed on individuals goals over group goals. The self is promoted because each person is viewed as uniquely endowed and possessing distinctive talent and potential. Individuals are encouraged to pursue and develop their abilities and aptitudes. People taught to be creative, self-reliant, and assertive in many individualism cultures. Triandis emphasize on individual is emotionally disconnected from in groups such as the family because individual be taught to be independent. Social controls more on the personal guilt than on shame of other social norms or conformity. Individualist will belong to many groups but they not actually tie with it. Many groups that individualist belong to is to enhance self-worth, for example, self-help group, therapy group, or occupational group. In the Geert Hofstede research on Dimensionalizing Cultures: The Hofstede Model in Context (Neulips 2009) discusses the Differences between collectivist and individualist societies, in the table portrayal the individualism in 10 degree which is: Everyone is supposed to take care of him and his immediate family only, I-consciousness, Right of Privacy, Speaking ones mind is healthy, Others classified as individuals, personal opinion expected: one person one vote, Transgression of norms leads to guilt feelings, Languages in which the world I is indispensable, purpose of education is learning how to learn, Task prevails over relationship. It is worth noting Kashima (1998) mentioned Individualist cultures have languages that require the use of I andYou. English is a good example. It would be difficult to write a letter in English without using I and You. Top ranked country in the individualism country mostly using English. (Hofstede, 2001) Markus and Kitayama (1991) introduced the concepts of independent self and interdependent self to distinguish between the different kinds of self found in cutures. They suggest that people in individualistic cultures such as western generally will have an independent self. People in collectivist cultures such as eastern have an interdependent self. The independent self is an autonomous entity with clear boundaries between self and others. Internal attributes, such as thought, feeling and abilities, are stable and largely invulnerable by social context. The behavior of the independent self is governed and constituted primarily according to ones inner and dispositional characteristics. Based on Fiske, Kitayama, Markus and Nisbett (1998), The independent person is 1) bounded, stable, autonomous 2) has personal attributes that guide action 3)is achievement-oriented 4)formulates personal goals 5)define life by successful goal achievement 6)is responsible for own behavior 7)is competitive 8)strives to feel good about the self. According to Feldman (2001), western are more apt to experience emotions that are related to their view of themselves as independent, unconnected individuals. People living in independent cultures see achievement in terms of personal gains, viewing themselves as better or worse achievers than others. They compare their salaries and their grades with those of their peers, and they seek and receive individual rewards for good performance. The self-concepts of people in independent cultures, then, are based on personal, individual successes and failures. Oyserman, Coon, and Kemmelmeier (2002) summarize behavioral traits that have been shown to be associated with individualism. individualism is 1) optimism, 2) high self-esteem, 3) Lower social anxiety, 4) Emotional expression, 5) Satisfaction with self, 6) Satisfaction with freedom, 7) Direct communication style, 8) Lower relational commitment, 9) Preference to work alone, 10) Ease of interacting with strangers. According to Naomi and Mark (2005), American Movie always content ideology of their nation culture. Individualism as a part of American culture, it is exists in most of the American Movies. This argument obviously been emphasize in action movies, especially in those superhero movies, this research will examine two of the superhero movies, IRON MAN 1 (2008) and IRON MAN 2 (2010) to find out the portrayal of individualism. MARVEL MOVIES According to Marvel Studios official website (MARVEL OFFICIAL WEBSITE 2012), originally Marvel Films (1993-1996), is an American television and motion picture studio based in Manhattan Beach, California. Marvel Studios is a subsidiary of Marvel Entertainment, a self-contained part of The Walt Disney Company conglomerate. Since 2008, the studio has released six produced films Iron Man (2008), The Incredible Hulk (2008), Iron Man 2 (2010), Thor (2011), Captain America: The First Avenger (2011), and Marvels The Avengers (2012) with shared timeline, cast and characters, making up the Marvel Cinematic Universe. (MARVEL OFFICIAL WEBSITE 2012) The Marvel Movies is very influential to public of today, their productions are well known by most people in most place. Marvel Movies always have outstanding box office in various countries from west to east, inadvertently the values of those movies instill to audience around the world especially the youth generations. We can notice that the Marvel Movie did share the main value of US culture which is Individualism. And it becomes stronger in the portrayal of the character. IRON MAN Here is his introduction before the Iron Mask from Marvel official Website. Anthony Tony Stark was born to Howard Anthony Stark and Maria Collins Carbonell Stark, owners of the prominent US firm, Stark Industries. As a boy, Tony was fascinated with building and controlling machines. At the age of 15 Tony entered the undergraduate electrical engineering program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and graduated with two masters degrees by age 19. Tony went to work for Stark Industries, but showed more interest in living a reckless playboy lifestyle than using his engineering skills. At the age of 21, Tony inherited Stark Enterprises when his parents were killed in a car accident secretly orchestrated by rival corporation Republic Oil (later ROXXON). Still lacking in business acumen, Tony promoted secretary Virginia Pepper Potts to be his executive assistant and left the majority of his workload on her so that he could avoid what he saw as a burden. (MARVEL OFFICIAL WEBS ITE 2012) MOVIE IRON MAN 1 (2008) According to Marvel official website (MARVEL OFFICIAL WEBSITE 2012).Tony Stark is well-known as a playboy and genius which led the defence contractor Stark Industries after his father was death. The moment after Stark demonstrated the new missile called Jericho in Afghanistan; he is ambushed by the terrorist group, the Ten Rings and then imprisoned in a cave. As Stark get seriously injured from the ambush, the fellow captive Yinsen save his life by installed an electromagnet into Starks chest so that can avoid the shrapnel which wounded his body to reach into his heart and cause him die. Raza, leader of Ten Rings, guarantees will set Stark free once Stark help them to build Jericho missile. However, Stark and Yinsen know that Raza will not release them eventually. Thus, in order to power Starks electromagnet, they secretly to construct a powerful electric generator named an arc reactor and a suit of armor for escape. Unfortunately, the Ten Rings discovered what they doing and Yinsen died because want to help Starks suit powers up. Stark successful escape from the cave and flies away until his suit is destroyed and he crash in the desert. Once Stark get back to his country, he announces to public that the company will not produce weapons anymore although Tonys father old partner, Obadiah Stane has try to persuade him to do not do so. Stark continues to improve his suit and arc reactor. Stark knows that Yinsens village, Gulmira will be attack by the Ten Rings using his company weapons. Stark wears up the new armor and flies to save Yinsens village. On the way flying back home, Stark is chase by two F-22 Raptor fighter jets. To get rid of their shot, Stark tells his secret identity to his friend, Rhodes. The Ten Rings found the pieces of armor suit and meet with Stane. However, Stane used his sonic device to subdue Raza and killed all of them. By applying reverse engineering method, Stane capable produce a new suit from the wreckage. Potts, who sent by Stark to hack into Stanes office, has found the evidences about Stane supplying weapons to terrorists and employed the Ten Rings to kill Stark. Since Stanes scientists unable to build an arc reactor, Stane attacks Stark by using a sonic device and take away his arc reactor. Luckily, Stark managed to plug in back his original reactor. Due to the original reactor cannot run his suit at full capacity, Stark lures Stane to the top of the Stark Industries building and guides Potts to overload the large arc reactor there. The huge electrical surge that knocks Stane unconscious, make him and his armor to fall into the exploding reactor, killing him. When Stark demands to explain the Stanes death at a press conference, Stark announces that he is Iron Man. From this kind of action, it can be shown that Stark consist of strong individualism. It is because he cares a lot of his personal achievements, as he produced a powerful armor suit. MOVIE IRON MAN 2 (2010) According to Marvel official website (MARVEL OFFICIAL WEBSITE 2012).The news regards Stark Industries CEO, Tony Stark revealed himself as Iron Man had spread to Russia. While Anton Vanko is pass away, his son, Ivan Vanko starts to used the prototype given by his father to build an arc reactor which alike with Stark. In order to carry on his father legacy Stark strives to re-organize the Stark Expo in Flushing Meadows. Meanwhile, Stark utilizes his armor to ensure world peace. When the senator Stern wants him to hand in the Iron Man technology to the government, Stark rejects, because he thinks that all the business rival around the world cant duplicate his work, it is unique and considered as his property. Based on Starks statement, it can be seen that he is a self-centered person and doesnt care who will afraid his armor threaten worldwide peace. Stark feels depressed when unable to find the new element to replace the palladium core in the arc reactor which can slowly poisoning him. Stark decide to keep his plight and substitutes Potts, who Stark Industries CEO with Natalie. By using an arc reactor as powering whip-like weapon, Vanko attacks Stark at the racing field. Starks able to subdued Vanko and get to know that he is the son of his fathers old partner. Vanko tells his desire to revenge on Stark family. Justin Hammer, rival defense contractor, rescues Vanko and hires him to complete a line of armored. Due to intervene from Stark, Rhodes wears up Starks Mark II armor to fight with him. The battle end up huge explosion while both fire repulsor beam and Rhodes returns the armor to the military. From Nick Fury, director of SHIELD, Stark knows that his father formed a SHIELD and disclosure Natalie as undercover agent. Stark discovers an encrypted message from his fathers old material which given by Fury and finally found the new element to replace the palladium. Hammer demonstrates Vankos armored drones and led by Rhodes, who wearing complete weaponries version of the Mark II armor. Stark flies with his new armor to stop Rhodes, however, all drones include Rhodess armor is control by Vanko used to attack Stark. Hammer is then arrested by Hogan and Romanoff try to catch Vanko but let him escapes. Besides, Romanoff allows Rhodes to control back his Mark II armor. Vanko is totally defected when Stark and Rhodes use fire repulsor rays at each other and create a huge explosion. Vanko activates self-destruct mechanism on his suit along with all his drones, obviously killing himself as well. Stark capable to saves Potts before the drones going to explode. At the end, Stark promises to work as consultant if senators Stern awards Rhodes and him with medals for bravely, although Stern not willing to do so. Research Problem As state in the research background, studies have shown individualism level of people increasing with the growing of science and technology. Individualism is prevalent in most of development country. To address this phenomenon, scholars conduct numbers of research toward individualism from different perspectives. As most research found, generally western country practicing individualism while eastern country practicing collectivism. Malaysia as an eastern and developing country it stands in a subtle position. Historical factor make Malaysia one of the special existing country in the world which absorb multi culture. There have lack of studies of individualism in Malaysia context. Compare with other developed country, Malaysia also lack of studies in teenager and youth behavior and thinking. Malaysia has lack of study to investigating humanity. It may one of the reason scholars in Malaysia unable to grasp the evolution of social behavior. By conducting this research, the study will first aims to study the portrayal of individualism in the Marvel Movie. Through the study of the films, the research can help to continue investigate perception of youth toward the movie. The understanding of youths perception toward the portrayal of individualism is not to manipulate or influence the youths behavior. The research may be able to give people a clearer picture to individualism among youth in Malaysia. Research Objectives 1. To examine the portrayal of individualism of Tony Stark, the main character in the Marvel Movie: IRON MAN 1 (2008) and IRON MAN 2 (2010). 2. To find out the perception of youth toward Tony Stark, the main character in the Marvel Movie: IRON MAN 1 (2008) and IRON MAN 2 (2010) Research Questions 1. How was the main character portrayed in Marvel Movie: IRON MAN 1 (2008) and IRON MAN 2 (2010)? 2. What is the perception of youth toward Tony Stark, the main character in the Marvel Movie: IRON MAN 1 (2008) and IRON MAN 2 (2010) after they watched? 1.5 Research Significance Film Industry has been producing quite a number of individualism movies. However, those movies will publish under different genres. Normally individualism can be found in action movie and superhero movie. People may confuse to differentiate the type of films and they are actually lack of awareness to identify individualism in the movie. This research able to carried out so that we can help people to understand the behavior of individualism own by Marvel Movie Character, it can also call awareness of public toward individualism in media content. The objective of this research is not to change people perception but at least giving people a chance to have a clear picture toward individualism. 1.6 Research Scope This research is done among Youth of Malaysia. The target audience limited to Malaysians who are 18 25 years old. Other than that, our target audiences focus to Malaysians who are currently staying in Klang Valley Area. Also, movies that study research on are only restricted to IRON MAN 1 (2008) and IRON MAN 2 (2010). 1.7 Definition of Terms 1.7.1 Portrayal Conceptual Definition A depiction of someone or something in a work of art or literature; a picture: A realistic portrayal of war. (Oxford Dictionaries 2010).A description of someone or something in a particular way; a representation: the media portrayal of immigration. An instance of an actor playing a part in a movie or play; a performance: his portrayal of the title character. Operational Definition The first objective of the research is to find out the portrayal of individualism. Therefore, to find out behavior shown by the character in the movie which demonstrate individualism. This research will define portrayal as how the movies figure the characteristic of individualism. 1.7.2 Individualism Conceptual Definition The habit or principle of being independent and self-reliant: a culture that celebrates individualism and wealth. (Oxford Dictionaries 2010) Self-centered feeling or conduct: egoism. A social theory favoring freedom of action for individuals over collective or state control: encouragement has been given to individualism, free enterprise, and the pursuit of profit. Individualism described bas emphasizing independence, freedom, and personal assertiveness as socializing climates in which a persons self-esteem develops (Kagitcibasi, 1996; Triandis, 1989; 1995). Operational Definition In the research it will be use to explain those behavior displayed individualism: self-motivation, autonomy, freedom, and personal assertiveness, independent thinking and Self-actualization. 1.8 Conclusion Marvel Movies is achieving excellent result in the worldwide. Marvel Movies almost be a guarantee of box office. It reaches most people of most places in the world. In unconsciously, the value in the movie actually influence how the people thinking, especially among children and youth. Contrast to public heard lot words about young generation now are egoism, lack of collaboration. Even without any evidence, the researcher believes it is some negative interpreting of individualism. But it is attracting to examine the portrayal of individualism in the action movie, especially from the Superhero movie. IRON MAN as one of the outstanding box office Superhero Movies, The research takes it as an example to examine portrayal of individualism. Hope the research can figure out the hypothesis or at least, attract more profession to do further research. 2.0 Literature Review Introduction This chapter reviews some of journals which discuss about individualism and dimensions of individualism. It also refers to some related discussion on culture, other explanation of individualism with terms independent culture. The similar research of individualism on media been mentioned to compare too. 2.1 Review of Previous Journals In this part will discuss about the previous journal. The purpose of review the previous journal is to compare the studies that conduct by others scholars to improve the investigation for further study and to reduce the mislead of research questions 2.1.1 Self-Interest Self-Values Expression James M. Baldwins Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology (1902) defines Individualism in terms of political philosophy as the doctrine that the pursuit of self-interests and the exercise of individual initiative should be little or not at all restrained by the state and that the functions of government should be reduced to the lowest possible terms. As we notice that, people should be liberally practising in his works with lowest or not at all levels of restraints of the environment. Based on the study of the Chen, Chen and Meindl (1998), the researchers had presented the cooperation mechanisms by culturally shaped motives in the culture of individualism and collectivism. Firstly, the super-ordinate goal of the individualism is goal interdependence. Goal sharing is collectivists super-ordinate goal. Secondly, the group identity of individualism is self enhancement, collectivism presumed the group identity as the group complements. Thirdly, cognition based is belonging to the trust associated with the individualism. On the opposite sides, affect based is along with the collectivisms trust. Fourthly, accountability of the individualism is individual based but the collectivism is group based. Fifthly, the way to communicate of individualism is partial channel. On the other hand, collectivists use the full channel to communicate. Lastly, individualists and collectivists are also believed in equity based for the reward distribution. The research studied the cooperatio n mechanisms by culturally shaped motives in the culture of individualism and collectivism analysis correctly the advantages and disadvantages with people either they want to working alone or group working, although the contexts always have the good and bad conditions in it. Last but not least, self-interest might be explains people rather than accepts the individualism (self-based) is their only interest to pursuit or lives in collective society (group-based) also can be an interest of them. Accordingly, Nayef RF (2008) has been stress that humankinds generally assumed self-interest is the most important things of life. In Nayefs theory of human nature, which he has been termed human behaves as Emotional Amoral Egoism. After that, Nayef has argued that emotional self-interest primarily governed the human behaviour that can be focus initially on survival, achievement and domination. These facets of human nature are genetically coded survival instincts product  modified by the  totality of the environment  and expressed as  neurochemically-mediated emotions and actions. Reason, reflection and conscious morality are comparatively rare. The human mind is consequently a  predisposed tabula rasa, for the purpose of survival and the environment, which is resulting from both an in-built genetic code. Therefore, once humans basic needs been filled, they will be measured self-benefits on them. This may results the greater consequences between the individual and society. For example, Bill Gates has created Microsoft software afterward, billions of people have been benefits by this, relatively the globally business and economic markets were growth because of this. In Nayefs studied work (2008), he has been researched the most of the mankind are motivated by emotional self-interest and have the potential to be either moral or immoral. The conditions of circumstances will be determine the survival value of human beings moral compass in that being highly moral in an immoral environment may be detrimental to ones survival and vice versa. Indeed, people apparently seeking the gratification and feel good of the reason, they will behave altruistically to serves self-interest at some level. Obviously, individualism could be doing well in collectivist society on todays era. Nayef (2008) state that emphasized individuals is impossible completely escaped by the collectivist society although they were believed in individualism. This insight has profound implications for the re-ordering of governance mechanisms at all levels with a strong emphasis on the role of society and the global system in maximising the benefits of Professor Nayef term measured self-interest, when he has minimising its excesses. This is because human beings cannot be left to their own devices to do the right thing. The reformation offers the best opportunities of facilitating political and moral cooperation through the establishment of stringent normative frameworks and governance structures, which is best fulfilling the potential of human beings to exist and evolve in peace, security, prosperity and possible serenity. Kagitcibasi (1997, 2005) and Schwartz (2004), according to them, by contrast, set the limits of the notion of individualism to autonomy and criticize the merging of autonomy and selfishness into individualism. In fact, both authors argue that individual autonomy can be altruistic, going together with social relatedness and concern for others. (Kagitcibasi 1997 2005; Schwartz 2004). According to the Etzioni (1993), this understanding mirrors the notion of a communitarian spirit in social philosophy, which defines as communitarian a social responsibility form of individualism, it is also explained the combined emphasis on individual autonomy and solidarity with others. Empirically, Schwartz (2007) finds self-direction and stimulation to be close individual-level correlates of participation in collective actions among European countries. The researcher also finds that country-level scores of self-direction and stimulation correlate closely with Inglehart and Welzels self-expression val ues index. (Schwartz 2007). Therefore, it could evidently research more about the evidences of individualisms are correlates with the collectivists society. And, this is feasible and trustable for research the individualisms due to the findings. According to Christian Welzel (2009), the researcher pointed out the works from Schwartz (1992, 2007) developed an instrument to measure the most basic human values. Values are defined as trans-situational goals that people pursue in their lives. Referring to the goals of power, achievement, hedonism, stimulation, self-direction, universalism, benevolence, tradition, conformity, and security, Schwartz identifies 10 quasi-universal values. In short, 8 of the 10 Schwartz values have been shown to reflect two overarching polarities (Fontaine, Poortinga, Delbeke, Schwartz, 2008; Schwartz Boehnke, 2004; Spini, 2003). Based on the Schwartz characterization of polarity of the values, this is shows that the humankinds achieve to their goals whereas the goals of benevolence and universalism describe general concerns that environment. People had adequately enhancing themselves meanwhile what they do also can bring about the benefits to society. Based on the study of Welzel (2009), the researcher has been studied that the power is important to this person to be rich; to have a lot of money and expensive things. Self-Direction is important to this person to think up new ideas and be creative; to do things ones own way. Hedonism is important to this person to have a good time; to spoil oneself. Security is important to this person; to avoid anything that might be dangerous. Achievement is being very successful is important to this person; to have people recognize ones achievements. Benevolence is important to this person to help the people nearby; to care for their well-being. Conformity is important to this person to always behave properly; to avoid doing anything people would say is wrong. Adventure and taking risks are important to this person; to have an exciting life. Tradition is important to this person; to follow the customs handed down by ones religion or family. Universalism is important to this person; to care for n ature. (Welzel, C 2009) Christian Welzel (2009), the researcher has been studied the Schwartzs Values Spaces, the analysis on the basis of Schwartz-transformed value items after standardizing these items for their country means is shows that the power was finding as -0.8 in egoism/altruism and .0.0 in individualism/collectivism, the achievement that will be 0.3 in egoism/altruism and 0.3 in individualism/collectivism. Next, the benevolence were finding as 0.4 in egoism/altruism and -0.1in individualism/collectivism, the universalism were considered as 0.3 in egoism/altruism and 0.0 in individualism/collectivism. Furthermore, the security that will be 0.0 in egoism/altruism and -0.8 in individualism/collectivism, the conformity were considered as 0.3 in egoism/altruism and -0.5 in individualism/collectivism. In a nutshell, the stimulation was finding as -0.3 in egoism/altruism and considered as 0.7 in individualism/collectivism. The self-direction was considered as 0.0 in egoism/altruism and was considered as 0.5 in individualism/collectivism. On the opposite sides, Welzel (2009) researched the analysis on the basis of Schwartz-tran