Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Flotsam and Jetsam - 1362 Words

КÐ £Ãâ€ÃËœÃ ÃÅ¾Ãâ€™Ã  Ð Ã Ã Ã ¡Ã ¢Ã Ã ¡ÃËœÃ ¯ 512 TEXT INTERPRETATION: FLOTSAM AND JETSAM BY W. S. MAUGHAM GIST/PLOT This short story is told in the 3rd person, this is the third person narration. The story took place in Borneo, in the Malay states. The story begins with the description of the setting in the Grange s house. Everything betokened poverty there. The dining-room was dingy. Norman Grange was a rubber-planter and after walking over the estate and checking that everything was done properly, he and his wife were having brunch. But the reader understood that their relations were far from ideal. Mr. Grange didn t notice her. He didn t talk to her as if she was not there. Suddenly the house boy came, accompanied by two men, a Dyak and a Chinaman.†¦show more content†¦The 2nd external conflict is in the minds of the characters. The conflict is between Norman and Vesta. He loves but hates her. An internal conflict is in Norman s mind. He understood that he had married Vesta and he d made a mistake, choosing an English woman. There are some flashbacks in this short story. The first one concerns Vesta s life before her marriage, playing on the stage and the second one reveals her love story but tragic one, the third one is told by Skelton, why he has turned out to be at the Granges. Also there is a foreshadowing in this story. Author shows that Vesta and Norman s future is quiet clear. They will keep living together. NARRATOR: The story is told in the 3rd person. The author isn t intrusive. He is omniscient, he tell the reader about intentions, inner emotions. The author is also reliable. He guides by the reader s opinion. He uses both indirect and direct methods. The author sympathizes with Norman but doesn t sympathize with Vesta. He shows the events through the character s eyes. And in the end of the story the narrator leaves for reader to judge. CHARACTERIZATION. There are 2 main characters in the story. They are Vesta and Norman. They are both dynamic. Vesta was an actress, played the seconds in comedies, and read any slop. She was pretty in an undistinguished way when she was on the stage and she met Norman. Norman Grange was a rubber-planter. He spoke like a native. He was a cleverShow MoreRelatedFlotsam and Jetsam1147 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"Flotsam and Jetsam† ___________________________________________ The short â€Å"Flotsam and Jetsam† is written by Alan Bissett in 2012. Alan Bissett, born in 1975 is a Scottish writer, and the short story appeared in the collection â€Å"Elsewhere: There† in 2012. The story is written in third person, and the narrator is omniscient. The characters are both described directly and indirectly by what they say, or how they act, because some of the characters has hidden agendas. 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Further, section 255(1) of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1955 has expanded the definition given under common law definition of wreck and included within its ambit â€Å"jetsam, flotsam,lagan and derelict found in or on the shores of the sea or any tidal water†. A derelict can be anything which is either a vessel or a cargo abandoned at sea. Read MoreA Research Study On Genetic Engineering Essay1403 Words   |  6 Pageslike red blood cells. Chromatin that occurs in the nucleus of  eukaryotic  cells only, constitutes an immense majority of all DNA, excluding an  amount inherited maternally found in  mitochondria. 5. Cloning Cloning is usually used to intensify  DNA  flotsam and jetsam holding entire  genes, but it can similarly be used to enlarge any DNA sequence like  non-coding sequences, promoters and randomly disjointed DNA. 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