Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Flotsam and Jetsam - 1362 Words

КÐ £Ãâ€ÃËœÃ ÃÅ¾Ãâ€™Ã  Ð Ã Ã Ã ¡Ã ¢Ã Ã ¡ÃËœÃ ¯ 512 TEXT INTERPRETATION: FLOTSAM AND JETSAM BY W. S. MAUGHAM GIST/PLOT This short story is told in the 3rd person, this is the third person narration. The story took place in Borneo, in the Malay states. The story begins with the description of the setting in the Grange s house. Everything betokened poverty there. The dining-room was dingy. Norman Grange was a rubber-planter and after walking over the estate and checking that everything was done properly, he and his wife were having brunch. But the reader understood that their relations were far from ideal. Mr. Grange didn t notice her. He didn t talk to her as if she was not there. Suddenly the house boy came, accompanied by two men, a Dyak and a Chinaman.†¦show more content†¦The 2nd external conflict is in the minds of the characters. The conflict is between Norman and Vesta. He loves but hates her. An internal conflict is in Norman s mind. He understood that he had married Vesta and he d made a mistake, choosing an English woman. There are some flashbacks in this short story. The first one concerns Vesta s life before her marriage, playing on the stage and the second one reveals her love story but tragic one, the third one is told by Skelton, why he has turned out to be at the Granges. Also there is a foreshadowing in this story. Author shows that Vesta and Norman s future is quiet clear. They will keep living together. NARRATOR: The story is told in the 3rd person. The author isn t intrusive. He is omniscient, he tell the reader about intentions, inner emotions. The author is also reliable. He guides by the reader s opinion. He uses both indirect and direct methods. The author sympathizes with Norman but doesn t sympathize with Vesta. He shows the events through the character s eyes. And in the end of the story the narrator leaves for reader to judge. CHARACTERIZATION. There are 2 main characters in the story. They are Vesta and Norman. They are both dynamic. Vesta was an actress, played the seconds in comedies, and read any slop. She was pretty in an undistinguished way when she was on the stage and she met Norman. Norman Grange was a rubber-planter. He spoke like a native. He was a cleverShow MoreRelatedFlotsam and Jetsam1147 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"Flotsam and Jetsam† ___________________________________________ The short â€Å"Flotsam and Jetsam† is written by Alan Bissett in 2012. Alan Bissett, born in 1975 is a Scottish writer, and the short story appeared in the collection â€Å"Elsewhere: There† in 2012. The story is written in third person, and the narrator is omniscient. The characters are both described directly and indirectly by what they say, or how they act, because some of the characters has hidden agendas. The main theme in the storyRead MoreAdvantages And Disadvantages Of Landscaping1405 Words   |  6 Pagesoff-season.|On the other hand, occasional finishing abandon some zone not dealt with amid the off-season.} {Such a territory will be portrayed by excess of weeds and debris.|Such a domain will have weeds and debris.|The abundance of weeds and flotsam and jetsam will describe such an area.} {Another advantage of all season finishing is the counteractive action of abundance of the vegetation.|Another the reason, why a mortgage holder should hone all-season arranging, is the avoidance of the excessRead MoreThe Waste Water Treatment Process Essay2616 Words   |  11 Pagesframework is accomplished through schedule investigation, cleaning and repair and arranged substitution of framework segments. 2.3 PRELIMINARY TREATMENT Influent to treatment plants contains bits of wood, clothes, plastics and other flotsam and jetsam. Sand, eggshells and other coarse inorganic material is available in the stream notwithstanding natural matter from family unit, mechanical, business and institutional water utilize. Preliminary treatment accommodates the expulsionRead MoreDanger Diminishment Burning : Causes And Uses Of Fires896 Words   |  4 Pagesadministrators would more be able to effectively observe the stumps of the gathered trees, and additionally some other perils. Moreover, if the range is to be had relations with before planting, consuming first expends a significant part of the flotsam and jetsam. The outcome is all the more firmly pressed overnight boardinghouses better seedling survival. Where herbicides are utilized to execute rivalry, ensuing consuming will give extra vegetation control. This progression additionally allows moreRead MoreMalaysia Airlines Flight856 Words   |  3 Pagessuspected to be from the stricken coal blacks crate information recorders. After this the administration has chosen to pursuit the aerial shuttles in submerged as well. Bluefin 21 will plunge into the profundities to attempt and find any flotsam and jetsam. there are still numerous an intrigue scholar out there who has different thoughts. There are a percentage of the craziest and best doomsday notions which were being examined a) Afghan hijacking The Russian newspaper has been distributedRead MoreEssay On Baldwin Swamp1981 Words   |  8 Pagesbranches and bark in the tree canopies, significant amounts of mud covering leaves, a large number of 62 flotsam and jetsam spotted, 2 immature plants and 2 branches on the floor, the boardwalk was broken in 2 places and paths were covered in debris. All of these had significant impacts on the Baldwin swamps and can threaten the survival of macroinvertebrates as the high amount flotsam and jetsam could have gotten in the way. A very little improvement has occurred since. There is still a number ofRead MoreFacilitating the US Armys Transition from War to Peace1187 Words   |  5 Pagesthat the only stipulation that the U.S. Army Chief of Staff imposed on the disposition of military surplus was that if Army surplus property is to be sold that it be sold only by this govt. to another neutral govt (Watson, 1950, p. 304). The flotsam and jetsam that remained from World War II and Vietnam have found their way into the nations chains of army and navy surplus stores that contain vintage surplus from these wars to this day. The U.S. Army can do better than this, though, and it has takenRead MoreThe Case Of Calculation And Distribution Of Awards And Special Compensation1407 Words   |  6 Pagesitself or cargo or any property which must be relalted to the ship or portion of it. Further, section 255(1) of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1955 has expanded the definition given under common law definition of wreck and included within its ambit â€Å"jetsam, flotsam,lagan and derelict found in or on the shores of the sea or any tidal water†. A derelict can be anything which is either a vessel or a cargo abandoned at sea. Read MoreA Research Study On Genetic Engineering Essay1403 Words   |  6 Pageslike red blood cells. Chromatin that occurs in the nucleus of  eukaryotic  cells only, constitutes an immense majority of all DNA, excluding an  amount inherited maternally found in  mitochondria. 5. Cloning Cloning is usually used to intensify  DNA  flotsam and jetsam holding entire  genes, but it can similarly be used to enlarge any DNA sequence like  non-coding sequences, promoters and randomly disjointed DNA. It is castoff in a wide collection of biological experiments in addition to practical applicationsRead MoreChicago Fire : Philadelphia Fire2051 Words   |  9 Pagesyards, stockrooms, and coal yards, and canal boats and various extensions over the waterway. As the fire developed, the southwest wind escalated and got to be superheated, making structures burst into flames from the warmth and from smoldering flotsam and jetsam passed up the wind. Around 11:30 PM, flaring trash blew over the stream and arrived on rooftops and the South Side Gas Works With the fire over the waterway and moving quickly towards the heart of the city, freeze set in. About this time, Mayor

Monday, December 23, 2019

Deviance and Social Control - 914 Words

As we all have observed, throughout history each culture or society has unique norms that are acceptable to that group of people. Therefore, to establish and come to the acceptance of these basic norms, each society must develop its’ own strategies and techniques to encourage the fundamentals of behavior, which is clear in our modern society. Most do assume that everyone in a society will follow and respect such norms. However, some tend to deviate from the adequate norms and demonstrate deviant behavior. Nevertheless, we are inclined to ask ourselves, why do people decide to violate such important standards of living? To come to understand why people act with deviant behavior, we must comprehend how society brings about the†¦show more content†¦According to the control theory, as we network with the members of our society we will ultimately conform to these norms. Hence, those who violate these norms result in exhibiting deviance, or a behavior that violates societyà ¢â‚¬â„¢s social standards. A person can gain this deviant behavior by physical or behavioral traits, thus acquiring a negative or positive social stigma. The term stigma is used to categorize the labels a society uses to diminish a definite group of people. Unfortunately, most people are stigmatized by their past acts of deviant behavior that they may not be engaging in, for example an ex-convict or ex- mental patient. Technology and new innovations have also contributed to having an influence in social interactions and standards of behavior. Many of the illegal acts done in the internet including pirating software or music have no social stigma attached to them due the approval of the online community. At the same time as people continue to disobey social norms and deviate from societal expectations, sociologist draw to five sociological perspectives to explain deviance. From the functionalist perspective, Robert Merton adapted Durkheim’s idea of anomie to explain why people act in certain ways. The anomie theory of deviance states â€Å"that people adapt in certain ways either by conforming to or by deviating from cultural expectations† (Schaefer, 2009). According to this theory it can includeShow MoreRelatedDeviance and Social Control1558 Words   |  7 PagesDeviance is any infraction of norms, whether the violation being minor as jaywalking or as significant as raping someone. So you and I every day violate these societal norms no matter how big or small they may be. The heart of deviance is best explained by sociologist Howard S. Becker (1966), It is not the act itself, but the reactions to the act, that make something deviant. Different groups have different norms, maybe something deviant to a particular person may not be deviant to another (HenslinRead MoreDeviance and Social Control2641 Words   |  11 PagesDeviance and Social Control Final Paper Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for SOCL 101 Sociology By Social control is techniques and strategies used for preventing deviant human behavior in any society. All levels of society such as family, school, bureaucratic and government has some form of social control. Examples of family social control include obeying your parents rules, doing your homework and chores. School includes standards theyRead MoreEssay on Deviance and Social Control1741 Words   |  7 PagesThe concepts Social Control and Deviance have more than one definition to me, my understandings of these terms are that they try to group, control and define different kinds of anti-social behaviour. In this essay I will be reflecting on how certain topics have deviant labels attached to them as a result of social control. I will be explaining my initial understanding and views of these topics, going on to explain how they may have been changed, challenged or reinforced after attending lecturesRead MoreDeviance: Social Control Essay772 Words   |  4 PagesIn todays world deviance is everywhere.Where did it come from ? I want to know what is deviance and what reasons adoes it exist .So in this paper I will discover these answers. Deviance is any behavior that does not conform to the prevailing norms of a society.Deviance is the recognized violation of cultural norms .Deviance is measured by sociteis reaction , its is measured by societies life style ,only behavior that is defined unacceptable in a culture is deviant. Deviance violates some groupsRead MoreDeviance, Social Device And Social Control928 Words   |  4 PagesDeviance and Social Control No one person is born evil or born to be a criminal. We all come into this world with innocent, curiosity, the need for love and with both heart and mind empty and ready to be filled and nurtured. We as humans love to believe that we are in total control of our future and that we can change what we want to change but we’re wrong. There are two things in this world that determine who we are going to be and what we do and they are social factors and society. Society seesRead MoreSocial Control And Criminal Deviance820 Words   |  4 PagesSocial Control and Criminal Deviance: Bullying Darryl Gennie Professor Catherine Terry SOC 100 Augusta 17 August 2015 Strayer University The most important step needed to analyze bullying is to review the existing knowledge. The literature review is a critical look at the existing research that is significant to the work you are trying prove including substantive findings as well as theoretical and methodical contributions to a particular topic. Get the facts and review them thoroughlyRead MoreFormal Social Control And Informal Social Deviance1169 Words   |  5 Pagescalled social deviance, and these sanctions are enforced through two forms of social control: formal social control, and informal social control. Both of these forms of social control work towards achieving the same goal: discouraging violations of society’s accepted behaviors, or social deviance, and punishing those who do. But what is the difference between these two forms of social control? How are these social control mechanisms carried out? Formal social control is a form of control that isRead MoreSocial Deviance Theory, And Social Control Theory1941 Words   |  8 Pagesexplains juvenile delinquency is a combination of several aspects from cultural deviance theory, strain theory, and social control theory. Cultural Deviance Theory argues that delinquency occurs naturally due to the conditions that certain neighborhoods are under. The three people who have greatly impacted this theory are Clifford Shaw, Henry McKay, and Edwin Sutherland. Shaw and McKay were the first to pen cultural deviance when studying Chicago s inner city transformation from the 1900s to earlyRead MoreCrime, Deviance, Social Order And Social Control3729 Words   |  15 PagesDifferent Definitions of: Crime, Deviance, Social order and Social control Crime is defined by the Oxford dictionary as ‘an action or omission which constitutes an offence and is punishable by law.’ (Dictionary, 2015) Whereas deviance is failing to conform to the expectations held by society without necessarily breaking any laws. Criminal behaviour differs to deviant behaviour as a person can be deviant without committing a crime and vice versa, a person can be criminal without being deviant. ForRead MoreA Research Study On Sick Role Theory And The Social Control Of Deviance1010 Words   |  5 Pagesthe important contribution it has had in helping form a link between physiological, psychological and social processes. From my previous chapters I intended to illustrate Parsons functional study of social system. Here the attempt to understand broader concepts of his theory and criticisms by looking deeper into my questions of sick role application, role of doctors and the social control of deviance. Does the sick role apply to all illnesses? The theory Parsons put forward perhaps assumed to neglect

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Analysis of ICT task for a hairdresser’s booking system Free Essays

The new hairdresser salon called Hair Studio that has opened needs to improve its record keeping system because the record keeping system at present is not very reliable and does not work efficiently. Therefore the ICT specialist’s job is to introduce an efficient system to store the customer’s details and to develop a reliable booking system. The system needs to be able to book appointments for the customers quick and easy. We will write a custom essay sample on Analysis of ICT task for a hairdresser’s booking system or any similar topic only for you Order Now The new system should be able to help the salon to function more smoothly and the ICT system that I will give the hair salon will help the business become more organised and can easily handle the client’s data more efficiently. The details of the customers will be stored in a section where all the personal details of each customer will be stored and the appointments will be stored in the booking system. There are many ways of promoting the business one of the ways is to advertise the business to the public and make sure that they are aware that the business is open and where the branch of the business is located. The point of advertising is to the public to come to the salon and this will make the hair salon more popular and the salons profits will increase. Also you can read Analysis July at the Multiplex There are two ways, which it is possible to improve the way the hair salon is run either by keeping the existing paper based system to store the client details and appointments or I can use a computerised system to store all the details and information. An example of a paper-based system is a record card system where all the details of the customers are put on a pack of cards in alphabetical order. An example of a computerised system is a database system or Microsoft Access. Computerised system Advantages of a computerised system. Disadvantages of a computerised system. 1. You can set-up a primary key 2. You can perform queries 3. Can be sorted in alphabetical order 4. Validation incorrect data cannot be entered 5. The can be a menu page to make it more professional 6. Backup in case the data becomes lost. 7. Spell check 1. You need to train people to use the computerised system. 2. If the computer crashes the data can be lost. Paper based system Advantages of a paper based system. Disadvantages of a paper based system. 1. Portable/ Easy to carry place to place. 2. No training needed to operate the paper based system. 3. Keep securely in a locked place so no one can enter the cards containing the details. 1. Messy looks unprofessional. 2. Takes up space. 3. If any alteration takes place this can make the information untidy. 4. Confusion 2 people might have the same names. 5. The writing needs to be readable by all members of the staff. My chosen solution is using a Microsoft access, which is a database that I can create the system on. There will be a series of subtasks I will need to collect the information using a data collection form or through an interview. This will help me to collect the data. I will need to design the structure of the data capture form such as columns and a menu page also I need to design a data entry form. The data that will be inputted in the database is the records and the details. And finally I need to make sure that the information that is inputted into the database is valid and correct. Read also  Case 302 July in Multiplex To advertise my business I will use a poster or a leaflet to advertise it to the customers so they are aware that the business is new to the area and is open to the public. I can use many different methods to advertise my business I could use billboards, Leaflet, radio and poster. Poster Advantages of the leaflet Disadvantages of the leaflet 1. Instant Visual Impact 2. Relatively Cheap 3. Can be seen by a large number of people if strategically placed. 1. Limited amount of information is presented 2. It’s difficult to measure effectiveness. Radio Advantages of the Radio Disadvantages of the Radio 1. Relatively cheap 2. Most of the customers will hear the advertisement on the Radio. 3. Most groups and many age ranges covered. 1. Not visual 2. No copy of the material 3. Have to rely on the target audience listening at the correct time. My chosen solution is the poster; I will use the poster to advertise my business to the public. As you can see there are many advantages and disadvantages of using the radios and the billboards to advertise the business the method I will use is the poster because this way is more efficient and easy to do. I will design a draft of the poster on Microsoft and I will design it also on Microsoft word and then I will distribute it to the customers. How to cite Analysis of ICT task for a hairdresser’s booking system, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Competency Adn vs. Bsn free essay sample

Nursing has come a long ways since the nineteenth century. It was once a job for the lowly and undesirable members of society. There was no formal training or education for those entering the nursing field until nursing started to gain the respect of the military and government bring forth what is now consider modern nursing and today it is considered to be a highly regarded and prestigious profession worldwide (Canyon Connect, Timeline) . Today you can’t enter the nursing profession without some form of formal training. In regards to registered nursing, there are 3 levels of formal education. There is the ADN or diploma program which is the entree level, BSN and the MSN level. Over the several years there has been a big push for nurses to get their BSN. According to Boyd (2011), Pamela Brwon, RN, PhD. states â€Å"The IOM report calling for 80% of RNs to have a minimum of a BSN by 2020 has brought forth a national debate and movement,† and she also continues to comment that â€Å"Research shows that there are better patient outcomes when patients are cared for by nurses with a BSN† (It’s Academic: Studies Spur Push to BSN-in-10). So what is the difference in the level of education and competency of the graduating nurse from an ADN or BSN program? Especially when all RN’s regardless of educational level are taught and promise to uphold the definition of nursing set forth by the American Nurse Association, â€Å"Nursing is the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, communities, and populations†. All registered nurses graduate promising to facilitate health and healing to our patients. The difference is that registered nurses who are graduating with an ADN degree tend to be skilled at an entree level of nursing task and critical thinking skills needed to enter the field of nursing. Scope of practice for nurse with an ADN degree is to provide safe bedside care with defined and predictable health problems. They will use the nursing process and follow requirements, policies, protocols, supervise and delegate to others within their scope of practice (NRS 430V, 2012) . According to Friberg and Creasia (2011), â€Å"ADN programs prepare technical bedside nurses for secondary care settings, such as community hospitals and long-term health care facilities† and â€Å"nurses with associate degrees would work under the direction of registered professional nurses who were prepared at the baccalaureate level†. Many nurses with BSN will go into management positions within their work entity. According to our NRS 430V Module 3 Lecture notes, â€Å"The expectations of nurses prepared at the baccalaureate level (BSN) encompasses the expectations listed above as well as providing safe care to clients with complex and/or poorly defined needs. In addition, BSN preparation includes a focus on the needs of groups and communities. After achieving a BSN degree, the nurse will have the skills to address health concerns of groups beyond the individual and maintain increased knowledge about leading and/or managing health care activities. The formulation, delivery, and evaluation of comprehensive individualized teaching plans are part of the expectations of BSN graduates. Therefore, care delivery settings for BSN-prepared nurses may include unstructured settings or ones without established policies, procedures, or protocols, thus requiring the use of independent nursing judgments and critical thinking skills. So basically, the BSN Nurse has learned all that the ADN nurse has been educated in but more in-depth. Raines and Taglaireni (2008) state, â€Å"BSN programs encompass all of the course work taught in ADN and diploma programs plus a more in-depth treatment of the physical and social sciences, nursing research, public and community health, nursing management, and the humanities. The additional course work enhances the students professional development, prepares the new nurse for a broader practice, and provides the foundation for progression to advanced practice roles in nursing. With 606 entry-level baccalaureate programs enrolling students nationwide, approximately 31% of nurses in the workforce received their basic education in baccalaureate programs†. We know that quality patient care highly depends on having an extremely well educated health care team. Research has shown that nurses with higher education will have less medication error, lower mortality rates and higher positive outcomes for the patient (AACN, 2012). References American Nurses Association (2012). Definition of nursing. Retrieved August 5, 2012 from Nursingworld. org http://www. nursingworld. org/FunctionalMenuCategories/FAQs. aspx American Association of Colleges of Nursing. Fact sheet: Creating a more highly qualified nursing workforce. Retrieved August 5, 2012 AACN http://www. aacn. nche. edu/media-relations/fact-sheets/nursing-shortage/ Boyd, T (2011). Its academic: Studies spur push to BSN-in-10 . Retrieved August 5, 2012 from Nurses. com, Web       site: http://news. nurse. com/article/20110307/national01/103070046/-1/frontpage Friberg,E Creasia, J. 2011) Conceptual foundations: The bridge to professional nursing practice. (5th ed. ). Mosby. Retrieved from VitalSource Bookshelf August 5, 2012. http://pageburstls. elsevier. com/books/978-0-323-06869-7/id/B9780323068697100029_p0100 Grand Canyon University, (2012). Module 3 lecture notes. Retrieved August 5, 2012 from canyon connect http://angel05. gcu. edu/section/default. asp? id=1264226 Grand Canyon University. Nursing timeline of histori cal events. Retrieved August 5, 2012 from eBooks, Multimedia, and Tutorials http://angel05. gcu. edu/section/default. asp? id=1264226